Chapter 25 - It had to be done

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I wiped my eyes and made sure that no one could see the tear stains upon my cheek the closer I got towards the train. I really don't want anyone asking about it, nor do I want anyone seeing that I had been crying. 'It's a sign of weakness.' I begin to think as I remember that I'm an assassin, and an assassin doesn't cry. 'Besides, why the hell am I crying over Jacob anyway? It's not like he was mine to begin with, so I really shouldn't be crying. I just need to push my feelings to the side and focus on our goal. Jacob can do whatever the hell he wants, I don't care anymore.' With that thought, I took a deep breath and straightened my back, acting as if nothing happened, and walked into the train.

"Oh, (Name), you're back." Evie said upon noticing my arrival.

"Yeah, I just needed to clear my head." I replied.

"Listen, about before..." I interrupted her before she could go on, knowing what she was going to say.

"Don't worry about it Evie, it was a one-time thing and won't happen again. Besides, we have more important things to do than worry about my feelings."

"What..." I interrupted her once again.

"Anyway, it's been a long day, I'm going to get some sleep and rest up." With that, nothing more was said as I made my way to my carriage. Upon arrival, I immediately headed straight for my bed and dropped right on to it, not even caring about the wounds on my arms and legs at the moment. All I could think about was the pain in my heart, caused by a man I knew I would never be able to call mine.

Jacob's POV

"Now then, I think it's time to call it a day." I said out loud as I made my way to the train, which didn't take long to do. As soon as I arrived, I noticed Evie right away.

"Ah, Jacob, done for the day I presume?" She asked as soon as she saw me.

"For now, anyway. Say, have you seen (Name)?" I couldn't help but ask as I have rarely seen her these past few days.

"Actually, she came back not too long ago after claiming that she was clearing her head." Her words caused me to look at her in confusion.

"Clear her head? Is there something wrong?"

"I knew you were oblivious, but I hadn't thought you were that oblivious." She mumbled.


"Look, it's not my place to say what's going on with (Name), but you two need to remember that you're both assassins first before anything else."

"What are you getting at?"

"Just don't allow your feelings for her to get in the way of what we are trying to accomplish, not anymore." I could see that she was frustrated, but I had no idea what the hell she was talking about.

"Evie, what the bloody hell are you going on about?"

"Look, I know I was supportive of what you two have going on, even if nothing is official. But, we need (Name) and right now, she isn't strong enough to fight, and she constantly has you on her mind. To the point that she would rather be by your side than rest up and heal. And if she doesn't heal, then she isn't able to assist us with freeing London. You two need to talk and sort this out because we don't have time for you two to be constantly thinking about each other instead of focusing on the mission." Her words sort of angered me as I could see that she and Henry have something going, and yet I wasn't allowed to think about (Name) like she thinks about Henry.

"That's bloody rich coming from you. You do realise that you and Henry do the same thing and you can't deny it. I know you think about him just as much as I think about (Name), so you're not exactly in the right position to be telling me to stop when you do the bloody same thing."

"That's ridiculous."

"Is it though? You are constantly by each other's side, even when going off and doing missions. You can't tell me to stop when you're doing the exact same thing as I."


"Look, I gotta go and talk to (Name), since this apparently needs to be sorted out." Without another word, I walked out of the carriage and into the next, seeing that (Name) was on her bed, sleeping ever so peacefully. I slowly walked up to her and gently took her hand, holding it within mine. Such a simple action must've woken her up as her eyes fluttered open before locking onto mine.

"Jacob?" She asked.

End of POV

Throughout my dreamless sleep, I happened to feel warmth coming from my hand, causing me to flutter my eyes open before they landed on the one who was holding my hand.

"Jacob?" I asked, slowly pulling my hand away once I saw it was him. A look of hurt flashed through his eyes, but I didn't worry about it, not anymore. 'I refuse to allow it to bother me.' I thought.

"Hey, it's been a little while, hasn't it?" He asked.

"I guess, I mean, you've been busy and I've been resting, sort of."

"So I hear. I got back not too long ago and boy, Evie had a bit to say." At his words, my eyes widened as I worried about what it is she said to him.

"What...did she say?"

"That you and I have something to sort out, and apparently, it needs to be sorted out now."

"Oh." It went silent for a few moments before I spoke up and said, "Listen, Jacob. There's something I need to say."

"What is it?" I prepared myself for what I was about to say, knowing it was going to break my heart, but knew it was for the best.

"Those moments we almost had, let's just forget about them. It was obviously just the heat of the moment, something that we both know should never happen again."

"Wait, what?" Disregarding what he said, I continued.

"Regardless of those moments, I wish to remain here in London, with you and Evie, and help you guys free London. I'll remain your ally and help with whatever needs to be done but, once it's over, I plan to leave and not come back. You guys probably won't even need me once it's over, so I shall take my leave when the time comes." I could feel my heart break even more, but this needs to be done.

"Hold on, what are you saying?" I could see that he was trying to reach for my hands, but I pulled my own away from his and created some distance between us.

"Whatever I thought that could've been was no more than a simple dream." I whispered as I looked anywhere but Jacob. I knew that one simple glance at him would cause me to break and I couldn't, I wouldn't, allow that to happen. I had to be...I need to be strong. Without waiting for him to say anything, I brushed past him and walked out of the carriage, not once looking back, and ran out of the train with a broken heart. 'It had to be done.' Was my only thought as I ran. 

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