Chapter 17 - A bloody night

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With a heavy heart full of conflicting emotions, I walked away from the train and into the night. Roaming around the streets of London, I made sure to always keep my guard up, for the night is when the Blighters seem to be more active through the streets of London. Not wanting to be seen, I stuck to the shadows and stealthily made my way to one of the local pubs, just wanting to sit down for a few pints.

It wasn't long before I arrived at the pub and I immediately made my way over to one of the vacant tables, making sure to stay well away from people and be hidden from any Blighters who may have been here tonight.

"What can I get you honey?" One of the waitresses said once she approached me.

"The best that you have." I replied.

"Coming right up." She walked away and I only had to wait for a few minutes before she came back with my drink. "By the looks of it, you've had a rough day." I took a sip of my drink before replying.

"Ain't that the truth." I was about to pull out some coins to pay before she stopped me.

"Don't worry about it, it's on the house."

"Are you sure?"

'Honey, you look like you need it. Now, I don't know what happened, but it's good to take a load off every now and then. And you look like you could use a break."

"Thank you." Was the last thing I said before she walked away, leaving me all alone. 'Maybe she's right, maybe I should take a break. I mean, so much has already happened and, if I don't take a break now, who knows when I'll be able to.' I thought as I sat back in my seat and drank the rest of my drink, allowing myself to relax, but only a little, as I kept some of my guard up.

"Well, well, well, look who we have here." I heard an unfamiliar voice speak not too long later. I looked to the side of me and saw a Blighter, standing there with a few of his friends guarding the entrance.

"Hello lads, fancy meeting you here, might I interest you in a drink?" I said sweetly, even though I was mentally thinking of an escape plan.

"Sorry sweetheart, but we have something else in mind."

"Aww, that's just too bad." Before anything else could be said, I swung my cup and whacked him in the head, only momentarily catching him off guard. While he was trying to recover, he friends made their way over, their weapons out. "Now, now, let's not do something we'll regret."

"You'll pay for that you bitch." Nothing else was said as I pulled out my cane sword and prepared for a fight. 'I really should've thought this through.' I thought as I noticed that there were at least six Blighters in the pub, which two of them rushed at me while the others hung back. With my weapon, out in front of me, I did the best I could to fend them off. While one aimed for my shoulder, another aimed for my leg. I jumped back to dodge both, only to run into another Blighter, who wrapped his arms around me, trapping me.

"Not so tough now Princess." He said, only for me to headbutt him in the head, causing him to realise me. I then pivoted around and plunged my cane sword into his stomach, causing him to fall to the ground as he starts to bleed out. 'That's one, only another five to go.' The same two came after me once again, a look of anger on their faces. They both decided to attack me at the same time once again, only this time in the same spot. Seeing as I was backed into a corner, I had no choice but to parry their attack. With my cane sword in one hand and my hidden blade in the other, I lifted my arms and stopped their attacks before kicking one of them in the chest, causing him to stumble back, before slashing the other across the throat, killing him instantly. 'That's two.' With my cane sword, I started attacking the one I kicked in the chest.

"Let's dance." He said before bringing his weapon up once again to attack. I watched his movements, waiting for his attack before I made my move. I noticed the twitch in his arm, indicating that he was going to attack. Just before he could bring up his arm, I grabbed a knife from my pocket and flung it straight into his head, embedding it deep within his skull. 'That's three, halfway there.' I looked around and noticed how they seem to be hiding, probably wanting to catch me off guard.

"Come now lads, it's rude to keep a girl waiting, don't you know." I called out, watching very closely for any sign of movement. It was at this point I noticed how everyone in the pub had disappeared, and that the Blighters and I were the only ones here. 'Huh, they must've run off the moment they knew trouble was about to go down.' Looking around, I noticed the sight movement coming from the corner of the room. As quietly as I could, I stealthily made my way over to the corner, flicking my wrist in the process. As soon as I was behind him, I placed my hand over his mouth and plunged my blade into the side of his stomach, making sure he fully bleeds out before I release him. 'Only two more to go.' Just as I was about to start looking for the others, I felt arms wrap around me once again. I tried to headbutt the one holding me, but it didn't work this time.

"Not so fast Princess." He said. I looked behind me the best I could and saw that it was one of the Brutes who was holding me.

"Put me down!" I shouted as I squirmed around and flailed my arms, hoping to get out of his hold, but all my efforts where in vain.

"Now, why would I do that when there is someone who would love to meet you." He began carrying me out of the pub as he spoke. I tried my best to bring out my hidden blade but, due to the way I was being held, I couldn't do it. So, I went limp, wanting the Brute to believe that I had given up, causing him to lower his guard. Once his guard was lowered, I brought my head back once more and connected it with his hard enough to drop me. Once I was free, I quickly killed him and the one beside him with my hidden blade before running straight for the door, wanting to be as far as I can away from here, to be somewhere safe. 'If only I had never walked away from the train, then I wouldn't be in this mess.' I thought as I ran. 'Maybe I should've just sucked it up and confronted Jacob, then I wouldn't be here right now. Why must I be such a coward?' Before walking out of the pub, I looked around me and noticed a lot of blood from the Blighters.

"This has certainly been a bloody night." I said before opening the door. Unfortunately, as soon as it was opened, I felt something hit me on the head hard enough for me to collapse to the ground. Black spots begin to cloud my vision as I saw more Blighters surrounding me.

"Now then, back to business." Was the last thing I heard before I was hit on the head once again. I could feel myself beginning to lose consciousness with each passing second. 'Wherever I am, I hope you find me soon, Jacob.'  Was my last thought before I succumbed to the darkness.

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