Chapter 42 - Triple Theft

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"Are you alright?" I asked the woman as I wrapped my arms fully around her and brought her close to my body. Don't ask me why I did, it was just something I felt I had to know when I saw her begin to stumble. She simply looked into my eyes and, although I couldn't see much of her face because of the mask she was wearing, I find myself not being able to look away from her eyes. It's like I was caught in a beautiful trap, unable to escape and sinking further into the depths of an abyss. Nothing else was said between us as we simply stared into one another's eyes. I remember a moment when (Name) and I were doing the exact same thing.


"It's not my fault that you have seen bigger Jacob, you shouldn't have to be ashamed of that. It's just like I said, there are a lot of good-looking guys around here, take your pick." (Name) said to me after Charles Darwin left us alone.

"You know that's not what I meant." I replied in a husky voice as I moved closer to her, our bodies being within centre metres of each other's. I could see that it had a sort of effect on her, and I couldn't help but feel good inside.

"Then why don't you tell me what you meant then. Or, you could even show me if that's what you prefer." Her words caught me off guard, but I quickly composed myself.

"That's a very tempting offer." I finally said after a few moments of silence. Nothing else was said as we looked into one another's eyes and slowly, very slowly, begin to lean in.

End of flashback

Thinking back on that day, I wanted nothing more than to kiss her, but it didn't happen. I shook my head at the thought and focused on the woman in front of me, who raised her hand and placed it on my cheek, slowly caressing it. My eyes widened in confusion, but I made no move to stop her. I simply let her do it, but I don't know why.

"" She whispered something, but that was all I could hear from her. She had whispered something else, but I couldn't hear her at all.

"Hey, are you alright?" I asked her. I saw that she was trying to answer me, but it looked as if she couldn't. Her hand dropped from my face and fell to the side of her body. Before I could say or so anything else, her eyes closed, and her body went limp. I know I had business to attend to, but I couldn't leave her like this, so I looked around the place, hoping to find somewhere that I can place her and let her rest. I eventually spotted a couch, so I placed her there and let one of the ladies know what's happened. A part of me didn't want to leave the woman alone, but unfortunately, I had to. It wasn't long before I found Roth, who seemed to be admiring his pet crow.

"Jacob! He is beautiful, isn't he?" Roth said as he looked at the bird with fondness. 'I wonder what the story behind the bird is.' I thought. "I've planned the perfect second outing for us!"

"Have you?" I replied.

"There's borrowing to be done. Three of Starrick's henchman are about to disappear."

"Oh, you sly devil."

"Oh? And I'm coming along this time. There is no sense in giving you all the glory. Off to my carriage we go! Lewis!" With that said, we made our way out of the Alhambra. "Jacob! Our carriage awaits! You know how it is. You drive." I hopped aboard and took the reins. "These cowardly fools under Starrick have built their own prisons. It's a dreadful waste."

"They could be building gangs instead?'

"No, no! Why build, when you can ebb and flow like the sea? I would not deign to pin them down."

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