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Jacob's POV

The day was dark and dreary, a perfect way to reflect the mood. I held within my hands a single red rose and looked to the ground as I walked towards a single grave. My heart felt heavy with each step I took.

"I'm sorry, (Name). You deserved better than this life." I placed the rose on the grave and stood there in silence. It wasn't long after when I felt someone's hand on my shoulder, a sign of comfort, as no words were spoken. I stuck around for a few moments to pay my respects before heading back to the train.

"Are you alright, Jacob?" Evie said the moment I got on the train.

"Just peachy." I replied as I took off my top hat and sat on the couch.


"What do you want me to say, Evie? She got stabbed, (Name) was stabbed by none other than that damn bastard. That's not how the story should have ended, it wasn't meant to be that way. She shouldn't have gotten hurt, she's meant to be here with us. She's meant to be here with me..." My voice got softer with the last voice words, becoming nothing more than a whisper.

"I know it's hard, but she wouldn't want you feeling this way."

"It's harder than you think, she didn't deserve that fate. I...I care about her, Evie. I care about her so damn much that I need her here with me. I didn't realise just how much until she wasn't by my side."

"Jacob Frye fancy's a girl? I never thought I'd see the day." Her tone was playful, but I knew it was to cheer my up.

"What can I say? It takes a special kind of girl." I cracked a small smile, hoping that it would come across that I would be ok. "I've got something to do. I'll be back later." Nothing else was said as I got up, put my top hat back on and left the train.

Mini time skip

I took a deep breath as I walked into the room and sat down beside the bed. I sat there in silence, not knowing what to say, but feeling guilty for what happened. It wasn't too long when I heard the sound of someone wincing.

"Jacob?" Their voice said as they saw me. I grabbed there hand gently and gave it a small squeeze.

"I'm here." I replied as I continued holding their hand, not wanting to let it go.

"I'm glad. There's no one else I'd rather see more than you." They winced again in pain and I grew worried.

"Are you alright?"

"I'll be fine, it's nothing I can't handle. How about you? How are you doing?"

"Just peachy."


"Alright, not the greatest and you know that."

"Did you go to her grave?"

"I did. There's a fresh, single, red rose laid upon her gravestone. She deserved better than what she got."

"It's a shame you never got to meet her, she would have loved you the moment she saw you."

"I wish I could have met her myself. She sounds like a lovely woman."

"Mother was amazing. She was taken away from me too soon."

"She didn't deserve her fate, and neither did what happened to you. It wasn't meant to be like that."

"I'm sorry, I know it's hard right now. It'll get better, I promise."

"Yeah, once you're out of the hospital, (Name). I'm going crazy." She placed her hand on my cheek and slowly caressed it. I couldn't help but place my hand over hers and close my eyes. Relishing in her touch and knowing that she's here, right in front of me.

"You know the wound I got was fatal. I'm lucky to be alive."

"It shouldn't have happened in the first place. If someone were to get hurt, it should be me and not you."

"Jacob Frye you listen to me right now. I would not wish for this to be you. I knew what I was getting into the moment I became an assassin. I knew there would come a time where my life would be in danger." She slowly lifted herself from the bed and placed her other hand on my other cheek, looking deep into my eyes as I looked deeply into hers, a range of emotions showing. "Starrick is dead and I'm alive. I'm right here, right in front of you, that's all that matters."


"If taking that blade meant that both you and Evie would come out of this without having your life on the line, I would do it again in a heartbeat. Just the very thought of you being in this hospital bed instead of me...that's something I won't let happen. Especially if that good-for-nothing man is the cause of it."

"You're too good for me." I all but whispered as I wrapped my arms around her waist, being very mindful of her injury and not wanting to cause her anymore pain. In response, her arms wrapped around my neck.

"Call me sappy, but I can't bare the thought of you getting hurt Jacob. I care about you, more than I should, that alone scares me."

"I care about you too. There was always something there, from the moment we met. Now that Starrick is gone, maybe we can finally be selfish and give in." My words were mere whispers towards the end as I found myself a little closer to her than I was before.

"The Jacob Frye fancies me? And here I thought you were into men since you've seen bigger." She smirked deviously as she spoke and I couldn't help but pull her closer towards me. I could feel her breath upon my lips as her body was almost touching mine. The smirk disappeared from her face, was that a hint of a blush I see? Now it was my turn to smirk.

"Now see here, love. If I was into men, would I be doing this with you?" My face was mere inches from hers, my lips just hovering above hers. I swore I heard her breath hitch. I smirked again, loving the effect I have on her maybe a little too much.

"Jacob..." She breathed out in a low whisper, sending a shiver down my spine.

"May I?" All she did was nod her head and my lips descended upon hers right away. She immediately responded and tightened her grip around my neck.

(Name's) thought
This kiss, is definitely better than the first one.

Jacob's thought
The first kiss felt like goodbye. This one?

Feels like I'm home, where I belong.

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