Chapter 10: Let the Tournament...Begin!

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~Yumi’s P.O.V.~

We followed Joey up -what seems like- the never-ending staircase that leads the Pegasus’ castle. No one has spoken a word since the journey up. We are all focused on the task at hand, to save Yugi’s Grandfather and my grandma.

“Huh,” Tea says as she comes to a sudden hault, “What’s that?” she looks over her left shoulder, into the forest that could be 30ft below us.

“What do you see Tea?” Yugi asks as he turns around to face the rest of the group.

“It looked like…Bakura.” Tea says pointing off into the trees. Bakura?

“Bakura from school?” Yugi asks as he looks over the rail into the forest below. Who’s Bakura?

“Again with this Bakura stuff!” Tristan interjects. What’s going on?

“Where is he Tea?” Joey asks. Ok, I am so lost.

“Does somebody mind telling me who Bakura is?” I say as I stand behind my group of friends as they all look off into the woods.

“Bakura is a kid that goes to school with us.” Tristan tells me as he turns my way.

“Yeah, you probably have seen him around. You would recognize him if we see him again.” Joey says to me.

“That’s two times that I’ve seen him now, but he’s not there anymore. Maybe it’s all in my head.” Tea says turning away from the edge of the rail.

“Come on Tea, we need to keep moving.” Tristan says as he walks past Tea.

Then we all start to move again. But just as the forest comes into my line of view, a boy with long, silver hair and brown eyes comes out from around the trees. I have seen that kid before! Bakura, or I think that’s him, seems to be that quiet kinda guy. Our eyes meet, but we aren’t exactly shooting daggers at each other, but he looks suspicious. I shake out my head and move on to catch up to the group.

“There is something off about that Bakura guy.” Yuma says to me as her spirit floats next to me.

“I know, I can feel it. But we can’t worry about that just yet.” I tell Yuma. Then her spirit goes back into the bracelet and I move on.

As I catch up with my friends, we come to the top of the staircase In front of me is a large crowd of duelists and a tall, tan castle with large brown doors. All around us we hear duelists talk about the ones to beat.

“Hey look that’s Weevil Underwood, he’s the regional champion!” One duelists says, “And that’s the runner up, Rex Raptor. And there’s Mako Tsunami, we was ranked third!”

“Wow, these are all the best duelists in the world! But where’s the world champion, Kiaba?” Another duelist asks.

“Didn’t you hear, some kid beat him! And on his own turf too.”

“Are you serious? I thought Kiaba was the best!”

“He was, but not anymore. Yugi is supposed to be the kid to beat now!” And with that said I turn to Yugi, he has a shy look on his face. I lightly elbow him in the arm and Joey nudges him in the shoulder.

“Attention all Duelists,” We hear a voice say. Joey, Tristan, Tea, Yugi, and I all turn towards the porch that hangs over us to see someone speaking tot the crowds, “ Please gather around, your benevolent host is Anxious to greet you all.” I don’t think “Benevolent” would be the word that I would use; At least not under the circumstances. Yugi has a scowl on his face and I don’t blame him. I can already feel my energy going haywire at the sound of “his” name. I hope I don’t make a huge scene.

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