Chapter 25: Yuma's...Gone?

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“…And that’s what I remember from the vision.” I looked up from my lap to look all of my friends in the eyes after I had finished explaining to them what I had seen earlier that day. All there faces were mixes of different emotions: pity, sorrow, fear, and concern. “I would understand if you all don’t believe me.” I finished, sighing away all of the built up feeling I had bottled up.

“I had no clue Maeyumi,” Gohan says in a distressed tone. His hands balls into fists next to him, “You should have told me! We could have taken care of this guy a long time ago!”

“Back off kid!” Tristan interjects, leaning forward in his position to put emphasis in his words, “Yumi must have her reasons for not telling an of us!”

“Yeah!” Joey shouts, deciding to bud into the argument at hand, “We all could have helped!”

“Why didn’t you tell us sooner?” Tea asks, leaning over to me trying to avoid the argument that is currently taking place in front of us. Yugi also scooted over towards me to avoid the argument.

I stood up from my seat, more annoyed than I am mad at the three arguing. I straighten out my school uniform and then I lean all my weight to one side and put one hand on my hip. “I BET YOU COULD ALL TAKE A GOOD GEUSS AS TO WHY I DID NOT TELL YOU ANY OF THIS!!” I yell, finally getting their attention. All three boys send me a look of fear and back down to sit in their original spots. I cross my arms over my chest in an authoritative manor, “Now then, the reasons I did not tell you all of this is: 1.) I did not want to burden you with my problems and 2.) Because I do not want ANY of you to get KILLED. Sebastian is more dangerous than he appears.” It is as if I could still feel his cold fingers tracing the two scars on my back once again, I shutter at the thought.

“Well we knew he was dangerous,” Yugi said kinda awkwardly, not wanting to set me off again, “He did almost killed both of us on the boat.”

“And that is exactly my point Yugi, I know Gohan can at least defend himself against Sebastian.” I said looking over to Gohan, his body finally relaxing a little bit. I then turn back to the group of four, “But it is a whole other story for the four of you.”

“WAIT! WHEN DID SEBASTIAN ATTACK YOU ON THE BOAT!?” Tristan, Joey, and Tea exclaim, now completely baffled by the little piece of information that I failed to inform them of.

“How could you possibly forget?” Yugi and I say in unison. The three teens turn to each, trying to remember the night back on the boat. Then the light bulb finally goes off in their heads. I turned to Gohan; he was obviously puzzled but decides not to ask. I sat back down in my seat and crossed my legs over on another, “Anyways, I apologize for not telling any of you this before.” I said plainly.

“We accept your apology!” everyone says at the same time. I smile at all of my friends who sit around me.

“Hey Yumi, you got any food?” Joey suddenly asks as he clutches his stomach. I sweat dropped; this guy has the appetite of a Saiyan.

“Yeah, in the kitchen back there.” I say, pointing to room directly opposite to my seat. Both Joey and Tristan looked back to the kitchen and run straight there. I laugh lightly at how persistent the boys were.

“I’ll go back there to make sure they don’t eat your entire kitchen.” Tea says, standing up from the floor. I nod to her and she walks into the kitchen with the boys. I speak again when Tea and the guys were out of hearing distance.

“Guys I’m worried.” I whisper.

“Why Yumi?” Yugi asks in the same hushed tone.

“Well, I haven’t heard from Yuma since last night. And normally she flaunts her big mouth at least a few times a day.” I say, looking down at my bracelet. The subtle glow was still no were to be seen, and the fact that I haven’t heard from Yuma all day is beginning to worry me.

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