Chapter 28: Legendary Heroes (Part 3)

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We flew to the Castle of Dark Illusions, and it looked as ominous as it did from the flying machine. A large, dark castle stands towering in the middle of this floating island. All around the island is a large forest, dark and ominous, as the castle is surrounds. But the thing that bothers me is how quiet everything seems to be.

The dragon that carries Yami, Joey, and Mai lands on the island. I land next to them with the rest of the Duel Monsters. Without a word Joey, Yami, and Mai all hold up Monster Cards ad the monsters return; I now stand alone.

“Yugi, what about the Ancient Saiyaness?” Mai asks as Yami turns away to start walking towards the castle; I ark my brow at her question.

“I do not see why she can not stay with us.” Yami says as he turns back to Mai to answer her question. I smile at his response; he really does look a lot like Yugi. Then Yami turns to me, “and plus she will offer some extra protection. We do not know what could be lurking on this island.” I nod to him and begin to walk towards the three friends; my three friends who do not seem to realize that it is me.

“We should start moving before something bad happens.” Joey says, walking up to Yami and I.

“Good idea.” Mai says as she begins the pursuit onward with a fast sprint towards the castle.

“Hey! Wait up!” Joey yells as he follows the blonde into the thick forest ahead.

“We should follow; but be cautious, Master.” I say in the most serious voice I can. Yami nods and then together we begin the sprint to catch up to our friends.

Not long after the race to get tot the castle began, we were all half way to the castle. All seemed to be calm and our journey, to this point, has gone on without a hitch. But I can sense something about to happen. But I will wait to tell them; I do not want to frighten them.

“A floating caste with it own forest,” Joey comments looking around, “Kiaba needs to spend more time in reality.”

“Keep your guard up.” Yami warns.

“Look.” Mai says as she stops her mad sprint. She points up towards a large tree in the distance with big lumps on the sides, “Cocoons of Evolution.”

“But why are they buzzing?” Joey asks. Then I sense something, many somethings actually. Their energy signals are not strong, but I recognize it from the simulation at Duelist Kingdom.

“Killer Needles…” I whisper.

“What?” everyone asks me.

“GET DOWN AND HIDE!!” I yell as the swarm emerges from behind the trees. The buzzing bees roar with the sound of hundreds of wings flapping rapidly together. They all fly towards the group of us, needles pointed at us. I get into a position to attack.

“Oseye! Get out of there!” Yami commands.

“You can’t take them all on by yourself!” Joey yells back.

“You’ll be pulverized!” Mai Yells.

The Killer Needles draw closer. I lunge to the side and put my hands together with a small space in between them. I begin to gather my energy, “Ka…Me…” A blue energy ball begins to form in my hands, “Ha…Me…” The ball grows to the size of a softball, “HA!!” I thrust my hands forward towards the swarm of killer needles. The large blue beam expands and flies towards the large swarm, hitting at least a hundred of the buzzing beasts. The ones hit directly are vaporized, the others that where only partially hit drops to the ground as dead weight.

“Whoa…” All three say at the same time. But as the beasts drop to the ground, more appear from behind the tree line, their buzzing so loud it is almost deafening.

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