Chapter 17: Separate Ways

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“Yug, I got to be honest with you, you look completely fine.” Joey stated as he Examined Yugi closely.

I could tell that Yugi was getting really frustrated. Everyone has been checking Yugi’s condition for the past 20 minutes, but no one can see the real problem. And that’s just it! Because Yugi is probably blind! I started to pace back and forth very fast, I was so frightened that I could have actually blinded Yugi.

I should have never used that damn solar flare! I’m such a flapping idiot! I should have known that something like this would happen! Why am I so careless; so stupid!!” I kept telling myself. I was hitting myself in the head repeatedly (kinda like when you do something incredibly stupid). How could I let this happen…

“Yumi, you mind giving us a hand here?” Bakura asked me as he motioned for me to come over to the group to figure out what is wrong with Yugi.

I let out a heavy sigh and walked over to my friends, hanging my head so none of them would see my worried expression. I knelt down on Yugi’s right side and placed my hand on his shoulder. Yugi jumped under my touch, “Yugi, it’s just me.” After realizing that it was only me, Yugi relaxed.

“Guys, I don’t know if you have noticed yet, But I can’t see anything!!!” Yugi yelled out of frustration. He was ready to explode. Everyone stared at Yugi with blank looks, not believing what he was telling them. But I, however, knew fully well that Yugi was probably blind.

“I’m sorry Yugi, but there really is no way of us actually knowing that you magically went blind within the past 10 minutes.” Joey said to his friend.

“I know a way to see.” I told all of my friends.

I wrote a message in the dirt, one that would definitely make is friends believe. I know that Yugi had learned many a lot about Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphics from his grandpa, so I knew that he would be able to read the message in the dirt. I  started first by sketching the Hieroglyphic symbol for the letter “I” then I continued to sketch the rest of the message. Every was looking over my shoulder as I finished off the message. Finally as I read off the message to myself, butterflies ran all through my stomach. If Yugi could actually read this right now, I think I would pass out from the nerves.

“What does it say?” Tristan asked me.

“Well, it says something that if Yugi was able to see, it would defiantly be obvious.” I told him. Tristan gave me a curious look, but then shrugged his shoulders.

“So Yugi, what does it say?” Tea asked.

Yugi let out a heavy sigh, “Just to amuse you all, I’ll try to see if I can make it out.” Yugi squinted his eyes really hard, trying to bring them into focus. But it just wasn’t happening. “All I can see right now is big blobs of colors, so I can’t read it.”

“Then, Yugi’s blind!” Joey exclaimed. I balled my hands into fists, trying to keep myself from exploding from guilt

“But how!!??” Bakura exclaimed as he began to pace around frantically. My fists clenched even tighter

“Of all people! It had to be Yugi!?” Tea exclaimed as she shook from the anger that boiled within’ her. And tighter…

“How is he going to Duel and save his grandpa!?”  And that’s when I lost it. My fingernails dug into my skin and making them bleed. Tears streaming down my face from the guilt of causing this whole mess.

“How….WHY AM I SUCH A SCREW UP???!!!!!” I yelled internally. Then I got up from the ground and walked over toward the nearest solid object I could find, a large boulder that is easily three times my size.

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