Chapter 11: It's Time to Duel

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I'm sorry that this chapter is so long! Dueling scenes take up a lot of space. Anyway, Here's Chapter 11!


“It’s time you answer for what you did on the boat Weevil!” Yugi says. Yugi’s Millennium Puzzle begins to glow and then I see the Spirit of the puzzle come forward.

“Ha, alright Weevil. It’s time to find out if your as good at dueling as you are running away.” Yami says as he stands confidently in front of Weevil.

“Was I simply running away or cleverly running into my web.” Weevil says. Oh give me a break with these stupid bug analogies.

“It’s time to Duel!” Yami exclaims.

“As you wish!” Weevil exclaims. Then the ground begins to shake. I jump from behind Weevil, 10 feet above everyone’s head, and land behind Yami.

“Ah! What’s going on?” I exclaim as I get into a defensive position for better balance.

“It’s an earthquake!” Tristan exclaims. Weevil lets out on of his creepy laughs and the ground shakes more violently.

“What have you done?” Yami says under his breath.

Then I spot a slit in the dirt that begins to light up. I then hear hydraulics beginning to move underneath us.

“The entire ground is transforming!” Tristan exclaims as We starts to see the ground open up. Then from behind Weevil, a large dueling arena rises out of the ground.

“It’s gigantic!” Tea says

“Man, these aren’t gonna to be like the duels back home” Joey says

“No they sure won’t.” I say

“You’ve just stepped into a hornet’s nest…AND THER IS NO WAY OUT!” Weevil says

“What is that?” Yami asks looking puzzled

“There must be tons of these scattered all over the island.” Joey says.

“I’ll just meet you on the field.” Weevil says as he runs towards the platform that will bring him to the top of his ‘Dueling area’.

“I don’t like this, Weevil is too cocky.” Joey says.

“When is he ever not cocky.” I interject.

“I notice that you just have one start chip Yugi, I guess that means that I’ll have the pleasure of eliminating you from the tournament.” Weevil said, “Once your gone, everyone else’s chips should be easy picking.”

“Not if I take your two first.” Yami says with a smirk

“What!?” Weevil exclaims.

Just then I feel Yuma’s presence become stronger. “How about I take it from here.” She tells me.

“Sure, why not.” I tell her. Then I then feel all of my senses going numb once again. Then all I see is black.

~Yuma’s P.O.V.~

As I come out of the bracelet, I see that Yami and Weevil are about to go head-to-head in a duel. This should be a fairly short match though. As far as dueling in an arena goes, Weevil has the upper hand. But as far as strategy and tactics, Yami definitely has the upper hand.

“Weevil!” I say as the duel is about to begin, “As far as I am concerned, This is an all or nothing match for the both of you,” I look over at Yami and cross my arms, “And I think we all know who is going to stay in this tournament.” Yami looks at me and his lips curl into a small smirk.

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