Chapter 13: From The Shadows, The Past Is Revealed

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“So my assumptions were correct,” the evil Bakura said as he got up and walked over to my location to the ground. He then cupped my chin with his hand and lifted my head to meet his eyes, “But how did the princess of Egypt end up here?” I arched my brow at his question. Last time I checked, I wasn’t some Ancient Egyptian Princess.

 “What bluff are you trying to pull?” I asked the evil Bakura. He removed his hand from under my chin and got up. I could hear a light laugh escaping his breath as he walked away from me.

 Bakura then stopped and turned back around to face me. “Ah, I remember that line very well my dear. You would say that at least once every time we met.”

 “What are you talking about…GAH!” I feel the dark energy increase again and the pain intensifies more.

I feel arms wrap around my waist and pull me up onto their lap. I feel the thumping of the person’s heart and the steady rise and fall of their breathing on my back. Their arms wrapped protectively around me. Then I can feel the pain slowly melt away. Their pure energy was drowning out the dark energy. Then I finally turned my head…only to see that Yugi had pulled me into his lap.

I could feel my face turning beat red after my mind had processed what had happened, Yugi had a small flush across his cheeks. Then Yugi spoke:

 “Bakura, what is going on?” Yugi pleaded. He somehow knew that evil Bakura was causing my pain

“You really should be asking princess…” evil Bakura then stopped mid sentence and looked at me with an evil smirk, “Oh darn, it seems as though your name escapes me princess. Will you please remind me?” his voice so slick and sinister, it reminded me too much of Sebastian. The thought made me shutter inside.

 I then heard a grunt behind me, “I don’t know what kinda game your playing with us Bakura,” Joey started, “but you know that Yumi is not some Egyptian Princess.”

And then at Joey’s words, it felt as though something had hit me in the back of the head. I had jerked forward, but I felt Yugi’s grip on my waist tighten so I would not fall over. And then it all came back at once. My vision had blacked over, and was replaced by a vision from the ancient past.


I sat atop a white horse in the middle of a long street in the middle of an Arabian village. I wore a golden cuff around my left triceps’ and around my left thigh; one long cuff also on my left arm that starts at my wrist and ends in the middle of my forearm. On the other arm I wore a cuff in the middle of my forearm that wore the Millennium symbol. Two delicate chains ran down the side of my arm and ended at my wrist. The chain wrapped around my wrist and then went up my hand and more chain wrapped around my finger to create a ring. I seemed to be wearing an upgraded version of the millennium bracelet.

 I then wore a cloth wrap around my chest. Two separate pieces of fabric come from the middle of my top and around my neck to hold the top in place. A gold cuff that holds a blue crystal graces the end of my neck. A golden belt lays around my hips and a short cream skirt hangs down to over the top 1/3 of my thighs. Then aqua-green translucent fabric comes around from the middle of the golden belt and wraps around the rest of my legs and grows in length until the fabric comes to my ankles. Two more golden cuffs cover most of my calves and simple beige shoes cover my feet. Then my tail hangs lazily behind me.

 People line the streets as they watch the scene unfold before them. Before me stood a man in chains. His silver hair shone in the daytime light. His dark, copper skin drenched in sweat from the heat of the dessert sun and only covered by a purple wrap that hangs from his hips and beige colored shoes.

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