Chapter 31: Goodbye?

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I look at my clock as soon as I wake up, "I'M GONNA BE LATE!!!"

I run around my room throwing on random things that I hope to be my uniform. I run into my bathroom and put some toothpaste on my toothbrush. I run out to the kitchen and begin to pack my school bag for the day; while attempting to brush my teeth. I run back into my room to find some socks.

"Yumi..." I hear my grandma say from the kitchen as she makes me breakfast.

"Can't talk! So Late!" I find some and throw them on then run back into my bathroom to rinse and spit. I grab my brush and begin to brush my tri-colored hair back into a messy bun; even though this really isn't the time for trying to change my hairstyle. Why can't the clock slow down for one day!?

"Yumi." My grandma calls again, "Food's ready."

"I don't have time!" I yell back. I fix my bangs and grab my little tube of mascara.

I see my grandma come into the bathroom from the mirrors reflection. She takes a deep breath, "YUMI YOU BAKA! YOU STILL HAVE AN HOUR!" I jump at the sound of her loud voice and I almost poke myself in the eye with the mascara brush. Then her words register in my brain.

I sweat drop, "Your kidding, right?"

She went into my room, "Your clock is a hour ahead Yumi! Didn't you check your phone for the time at least once?"

I sweat drop even more, "No," I take my phone out of my pocket, " I am a baka."

Grandma walks into the bathroom and puts a hand on my back, "Now how about you eat something before you go crazy again and pop a blood vessel." She leads me out of the bathroom and into the hallway.

"Alright," I say, not arguing with her.


I finished my breakfast about twenty minutes ago and decided to watch some T.V. in the mean time. I look to the clock under the T.V. "Now I really have to go." I say. I get up off the couch and grab my bag from the seat that I had left it on in the kitchen, "It's 7:15, I have to go. I'll see you after school Grandma."

"See you later Yumi." She responds.

I walk down the stairs and put on my shoes. I walk through the bakery and out onto the street. I walk down the street that leads towards the Game Shop; it's my normal path to school after all. As I get closer to the Game Shop, I see Gramps sweeping outside the shop.

"Hey Gramps!" I yell, running towards the shop.

Gramps looks up from his sweeping, "Yumi! Good to see you again." He says. I come to a slow jog and then to a walk as I get to the small shop on the corner.

"Did Yugi leave for school already?" I ask, coming to a stop in front of Gramps.

"No, not yet," he responds. He begins to sweep again, "He should be down here any minute." I notice a sad tone in Gramps voice today. He's never this depressed.

"Gramps," I ask, "Is something the matter-"

"I'm off to school grandpa." I hear Yugi say as he comes through the door of the Game shop. He looks to me with a bit of a confused expression.

"Morning Yugi." I say with a smile.

"Morning Yumi." He replies, "I didn't know you come this way to school."

"I always do." I say, "Except I'm normally on the other side of the road." I say looking over my shoulder to the sidewalk across the street. I turn my attention to who ever is running this way; I could hear their footsteps.

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