Chapter 3: Biggest Jerk in the Galaxy

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"Ugh." T'Mar groaned, sluggishly pulling herself up on the mats. She propped herself up on her elbow and breathed as deep as she could, trying to shake the exhaustion and dull ache from herself.

Martial arts class can be painful. T'Mar had just took a swing to her face, the fist hitting in the bones by her eye and causing her to collapse to the ground. She lay on the mats, trying to catch her breath.

"Doing okay there?" A man said, kneeling down beside her. Taking a shaky breath, T'Mar shook her head and managed to drag herself to her feet. Her eye throbbed with a dull pain, her vision obscured by swelling.

"I'm doing just fine. My eye kills though." T'Mar answered, brushing some hair out of her face and tucking them behind her pointed ears. She walked over to a bench on the side, sighing as she sat down.

The man followed her, sitting beside her on the bench. "That's good. I'm James Kirk, call me Jim, and I think you're incredibly gorgeous despite the black eye." He said, causing T'Mar to freeze. She slowly looked over at him, starting to slightly laugh.

"Me? Gorgeous? You sure you're not seeing things James?" T'Mar asked, starting to laugh now. Jim looked at her, chuckling himself and looking away.

"I'm serious." Jim said, sliding closer and brushing some hair from her face that had decided to move back. "Very very gorgeous." Jim muttered, kissing her cheek over to her lips. For a moment, T'Mar let him kiss her, lost in the feeling of finally having an interaction like that with someone. Her Vulcan history and looks typically drove men away.

"No." T'Mar said, moving away from him on the bench. She grabbed a ice pack from a med kit and placed it on her eye, smiling awkwardly at Jim.

"No? Didn't enjoy the kiss?" Jim asked, moving close to her again.

"I don't have interest in you sir. Please don't try that again." T'Mar remarked, a little frightened. The only person she'd ever had the feeling to do that with was Spock, but they weren't even friends so that wasn't going to happen. She didn't even know this James Kirk, she didn't like him well. He didn't necessarily make a good first impression.

An older man, not too old at all, but older than Jim. "The Kirk charm is failing? I think I like this girl." He said, laughing. The man had a southern accent.

"The Kirk charm is only failing on this girl. Peculiar, isn't it?" Jim said, never taking his eyes off T'Mar.

"Very. Never seen it happen. It's a refreshing change. I'm Leonard McCoy." He introduced. McCoy just kept on laughing, motioning for T'Mar to move the ice pack. She did and he lightly touched around it, examining the eye. "I work in the medical field."

"Oh." T'Mar said, unable to really open her eye.

"T'Mar?" Spock asked, walking into the room. "I needed to find you for some reports, the data base said you were currently in this class. What happened to your eye?"

"I got punched." T'Mar explained, nodding.

"Was it this man?" Spock asked, taking a step towards Jim. T'Mar could have been mistaken, but she thought she could hear anger, jealousy, in his voice.

"No it was not. I'm fine Spock." T'Mar answered, putting ice pack back over her eye.

"He your boyfriend?" Jim asked, motioning to Spock. Spock raised an eyebrow.

"Curious as to why you would ask that question Mr. Kirk." Spock remarked, tilting his head.

"We just kissed so if you two were dating I'd apologize." Kirk said, smirking at Spock.

"Who are you to kiss a women without prior indication by you or her that there is a physical interest?" Spock sassed, his face smirking from the sass.

"I am James Kirk. I can do what I please. She moved away and I didn't go back into a kiss or anything. If you're not dating then why are you protective?" Jim asked, standing up and taking a step towards Spock.

"Mr. Kirk, please don't antagonize me." Spock said, taking a step back.

"Antagonize you? How am I doing that?" Jim asked, starting to walk away, shaking his head. He rolled his eyes and just left, McCoy apologizing for him before he left.

"Do my ears deceive me or are you jealous?" T'Mar asked, standing up from the bench and stepping towards Spock.

"Your ears must deceive you." Spock said, carefully moving the ice pack away from T'Mar's face. She looked away with her good eye, wincing slightly as he carefully stroked her swollen eye with his thumb.

"You were jealous." T'Mar smiled, moving his hand away from her face.

"Vulcans do not get jealous." Spock inquired to her, handing her the ice pack back. She pressed the cold pack to her eye, wincing a little bit.

"They can get a little jealous." T'Mar pointed out, smiling. Spock looked confused, he usually did at human emotion. She smiled before carefully walking away and back to her dorm.

Sorry if this wasn't very good! I've had a bad few days. Like, really bad. I apologize if it's complete crap.

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