4. New Year's

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Setting: after TWS, before AOU

You let out a huff as you sipped on your champagne, leaning against the bar lazily. Natasha had dragged you to the New Year's Eve party at Stark Tower and to say you were not enjoying it would be putting it nicely.

Your boyfriend, Bucky, and your close friend, Steve, were out on a mission thanks to Fury. Everyone else had the night off, though, and boy were they relishing in their few hours of fun. Thor had brought Jane who, after a few drinks, was already a bit tipsy; Tony, of course, had Pepper over and she was chatting away about science and technology beyond your understanding. Natasha had slipped away from you an hour ago and now she sat with Bruce, her red lips pulled into a smirk as Bruce rambled on about God knows what.

Clint joined you at the bar shortly, his champagne glass now empty. He didn't seem to mind the buzz, but he definitely wasn't mingling as he usually did.

"Somethin' wrong?" You asked curiously, eyeing the frown that had appeared on Clint's face.

"I'd just rather be with my family for New Year's, you know?" He stated, pouring himself another glass.

You knew exactly how he felt. The party scene wasn't your thing; you would have much rather spent New Year's at Bucky's, watching a movie or at least listening to music. Instead, you were here—and Bucky wasn't.

"I don't blame you, Barton. But they're your family, too." You sighed, glancing around the room at everyone.

"Yeah, isn't that the truth?" Clint let out a laugh, taking a gulp of his champagne. "I spend more time with these idiots than I do with my wife and kids." His laugh faded as he spoke.

"Go home then. It's not like they're gonna notice." You pointed out, picking up your glass again.

"Gee, thanks, (y/n)."

"You know what I mean. They're all preoccupied, anyways." You explained, hoping he hadn't taken your words too seriously.

"Alright, alright." Clint chuckled, finishing off his glass. "I'm headin' out then." He placed a hand on your shoulder with a smile and turned to leave.

"Oh, and (y/n)," he stopped and turned back to you, "at least try and act like you're having a good time." He winked, heading towards the elevator.

A few hours passed and you still hadn't left the bar. A few people had stopped by and spoken to you briefly as they refilled their glasses, but they didn't stay for long. You didn't really care, though; if you were being honest with yourself, you weren't even sure why you were still there.

With only a few minutes until midnight, you took one last sip of champagne and hopped off of the barstool you'd been perched on the past two hours. No one seemed to pay any attention to you as you pressed the glowing button that would open the elevator doors.


The doors began to slide open and you took one last look at everyone, their heads thrown back with laughter and Thor spiking everyone's drinks with his mystery substance.

"Woooo-eeeey, there she is! What a dreamboat!"

You turned back to see Bucky, with Steve by his side, as the doors fully opened, a beaming smile on his face.

"Bucky!" You chirped, practically flinging yourself through the elevator doors and into his arms. You weren't the most patient person, but this was definitely worth the wait.

"Thanks for joinin' us, boys. Get in here before the clock strikes twelve, will ya?" Natasha, along with everyone else, were now looking your way, just as surprised as you were to see Bucky and Steve.

"Better late than never, right?" Steve chimed in, practically pushing Bucky, with you still in his arms, out of the elevator.

"You didn't really think I'd leave my girl alone on New Year's Eve, did you?" Bucky pressed a kiss to your forehead before tucking a stray hair behind your ear.

"I thought Fury was going to keep you busy all night." You admitted, the smile on your face not fading one bit. You were just glad that he made it to the party, despite the dirt on his face and that he was still in his bulletproof clothes.

"Fury? Nah, doll, Fury and I have a strictly business relationship." Bucky joked, his blue eyes twinkling with adoration for you.

"You're ridiculous." You pulled away from the hug and poked him in the chest, letting out a laugh.

"10, 9, 8, 7 —" You could hear everyone counting down the final ten seconds of the year, holding their champagne glasses in the air.

"Come here," Bucky smirked, his metal arm snaking around your waist and pulling you into him again.

"3, 2, 1! Happy New Year!" Everyone sung, planting a kiss on their partner's lips.

"Happy New Year, Buc—"

Bucky leaned down and stopped you mid-sentence, his soft lips literally taking your breath away. You could hear the sound of fireworks and cheering coming from the city below Stark Tower.

Bucky didn't pull away until Steve cleared his throat, awkwardly standing there alone with no one to share a New Year's kiss with. It was kind of sad; Steve had only ever loved Peggy, but she was no longer the young, healthy woman she used to be. Steve never got the chance to settle down with her, and while he was in the ice, she'd found a husband and started a family.

"Spare me," Steve forced a laugh, hoping he wouldn't have to watch the two of you kiss again.

"Steve Rogers," you grinned, leaving Bucky's arms and walking over to the man in red, white, and blue. "Happy New Year's." You smirked, planting a quick kiss on Steve's cheek.

Bucky's jaw dropped, his eyes widening. He then forced a laugh and linked his arm with yours.

"She only did that for, you know...America. Don't get any ideas, Rogers; she's taken." Bucky teased, using his free arm to point at the Captain.

"Wouldn't dream of it, Buck." Steve chuckled, still blushing red.

You gave the blushing man with an equally pink lipstick print on his cheek one last smile before Bucky pulled you away towards the large windows looking over the city. Fireworks lit up the sky, their reflections looking like artwork in your eyes.

You watched the beautiful flashes of color streak through the night in awe, but Bucky wasn't paying the slightest attention to the fireworks. His eyes were on something far more beautiful—you.

"I love you, (y/n)." Bucky smiled confidently, his metal hand still lingering on the small of your back.

You turned your attention to the super soldier, unsure if you'd heard him correctly. Had he just said that? Had he just confessed that he was in love with you?

"What?" You stammered out, a smile creeping up on you.

"I said, 'I love you'. Is that okay with you?" Bucky teased, pulling you closer to him.

"Uh, yeah. Yes. Yes, that's okay with me." You babbled, the biggest smile Bucky had ever seen spreading across your face.

"So?" He raised an eyebrow, his baby blues fixated solely on you.

"Oh!" You chuckled, looking up at Bucky dreamily.
"I love you, too, Buck."

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