29. Biggest Idiot

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Setting: AU

You didn't have to be a genius to know that Bucky was up to something. He had been extra nice to you lately, like bringing you breakfast in bed and even watching your favorite show with you even though he absolutely hated it.

There were only two explanations; he was either buttering you up before breaking some bad news, or he was about to perform one of his pranks. Normally, people would much rather be pranked than to be told bad news. However, you weren't normal; you were the girlfriend of a 99 year old super-soldier who thought it was funny to stick his metal finger in electrical sockets to zap himself.

So, when the day came that he didn't bring you breakfast in bed, you knew it was time. As you laid on your back in the empty, your eyes narrowed at the closed door, you waited. Was it coming now? Would he wait until you were out of bed? You could never predict how his pranks were coming, but you did know when. It was definitely happening today.

As you pulled yourself away from the warmth of the bed, you hesitantly let your feet hit the floor. You padded across the room and twisted the knob, scared of what could be on the other side. After slowly opening it, you poked your head out to see the empty hallway. With an eyebrow raised, you opened the door completely and stepped out into the hall, glancing around for any sign of a booby trap.

Your heart raced ad you realized Bucky was no where in the apartment. Maybe he was hiding somewhere? You hoped so, because you really didn't want to hear any bad news today.

Please let this be a prank, you thought.

As you walked farther into the living room, an arrow came soaring through the open window, landing perfectly in the center of the bulletin board that hung on the wall holding several pictures from Bucky's past. He pinned the photographs there so he could see them everyday—so he'd never lose any memories again.

Your breath caught in the back of your throat as you spun around to pull the arrow from the bulletin board. You immediately recognized it being one of Clint's arrows, causing you some relief. Tied to the end of the arrow was a note, which only caused your suspicion to grow. You tore the note off of the arrow and unfolded it, your eyes scanning the words quickly.


You nearly choked on your own laughter as you read Bucky's sloppily written poem. It was awful and cheesy, but it made you smile nonetheless.

"Idiot." You rolled your eyes as you chuckled and turned the paper over in your hands to read the back.


You let out a sigh, looking down at your pajama pants and (your favorite Disney character) slippers. You simply shrugged, not really caring what you looked like to go outside of the apartment. For all you knew, he was just going to drop a huge water balloon on your head the second you stepped outside or something.

After leaving the apartment and descending the building's stairs, you pushed the door open and walked out into the sidewalk, your slippers scuffing against the concrete. Your mouth nearly dropped to the ground once you looked past Clint and saw Bucky standing behind him in his Winter Soldier attire, his hair pulled up into a sleek man-bun.

"Bucky, why the heck are you out here wearing that?! What if someone sees you?" You asked frantically, glancing around, though it was so early in the morning that no one had even left the comfort of their homes yet.

He had to be extremely cautious ever since he left Hydra. Even though he was with the Avengers now, Hydra still wanted to get their hands on him.

Bucky ignored your statement and instead said, "I may not be an assassin anymore, but I bet I could still make your heart stop," with a smirk on his face.

You let out a laugh, doubling over. The sound of your laugh was even loud enough to drown or Clint's cackle. Once you finally ran out of breath, your side cramping from laughter, you stood back up.

"You are the biggest idiot I've ever known." You laughed as he strolled over to you.

"Shut up, you love me." He replied, then instead of reaching you, he went down on one knee.

Your heart really did stop. Was he doing what you thought he was doing?


"(Y/N), I've been wanting to ask you this for a while now. . ." He said seriously, his hands disappearing behind his back as if to retrieve something from his pocket.

"Yes?" You were at a loss of words, speechless. You'd come outside thinking you were going to get pranked, but instead, you were getting something far different—a proposal?!

"I can't believe I'm actually asking this," he said, clearing his throat, "(Y/N). . ."


"WHAT ARE THOSE?!" Bucky pulled his hands out from behind his back, empty handed and pointed at your slippers.

Your face went serious and you nearly cursed him, "Bucky. Are you serious right now?"

Bucky was too busy laughing to answer you, though, and Clint was just as amused. You, on the other hand, wanted to take the slippers off and shove them somewhere.

"I hate you." You muttered, though you couldn't deny that he had pranked you pretty good.

"And I love you, too." Bucky panted in between laughs, standing up to pull you into a hug.

"You're going to be the death of me," you chuckled, leaning into his chest.

"No, I already told you. I'm not an assassin anymore."

• • •

So this was really just a stupid one shot but I felt like my one shots are usually all depressing and emo, so here you go, some comic relief. 😂

Also, this book is now #30 in Fanfiction which I'm super happy about! Thank you to everyone who reads, votes, and comments!
— Mar

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