52. The Clock Keeps Ticking

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Setting: 1 year after Avengers: Endgame

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Setting: 1 year after Avengers: Endgame

PLEASE READ: This is loosely considered a part 3 to previous one shots in this book called "Keep Me in Your Thoughts" and "You've Been in My Thoughts." You DO NOT have to read those if you have not already, because it does not really affect this part and I am giving a little summarization of those in this story.



The clock kept ticking even though you felt sure that the world could not possibly go on without Bucky Barnes in it. Half of the world's population was snapped out of existence by Thanos, and you were one of the lucky survivors. But why? Was a world where some of the most important people in your life gone worth living in? You struggled to accept that this was reality—that the fallen were truly gone forever.

One thing led to another, and somehow, due to the brains of men like Tony Stark and Bruce Banner, life became bearable again when the events Thanos caused were carefully undone. All of it was a whirlwind and you were finally getting back on your feet in the months following the "resurrection" of all those that had seemingly vanished.

Your Bucky was back, but things were not exactly the same.

You knew it was too good to be true. Now, you faced a new world yet again. A world without the sarcastic remarks of Tony Stark. A world without a pep talk from your best friend, Natasha Romanoff. Others were forever gone, too, but the loss of the two Avengers that had taken you in under their wings from the beginning were the hardest ones to move on from.

Things were not easy for Bucky either, and that was what seemed to be hardest on him. His best friend had finally gotten all he wanted—Steve got to grow old with Peggy Carter, the love of his life. But at what cost?

It upset you, knowing that Bucky spent years trying desperately to remember who he was. Steve was one of the only pieces of a broken memory that he had finally put back into place, and he clung on to that for a long time. Friends had finally reunited, and it was beautiful.

Bucky and Steve just lit up together. Their friendship was a strong bond that could never be broken, and seeing the two together made your heart sing. You were just happy that two friend, lost in time, found each other once more.

Steve was devastated when Bucky was one of the ones to disappear before his eyes at the snap of Thanos's fingers. You watched it all unfold. You watched a man lose his best friend, all over again, just after they had finally been brought together again.

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