37. City of Broken Promises (Part I)

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Setting: After TWS (AU)

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Setting: After TWS (AU)

You dragged your suitcase behind you as you walked away from the only place that had actually ever felt like a home to you.

But that was just it—it had felt like a home. Until now.

Now, you were unwelcome. It wasn't that your boyfriend Michael was kicking you out; he had actually begged you to stay. He had even dug through his sock drawer and pulled out the very ring he had planned on proposing to you with today— Valentine's Day—that was until you caught him cheating.

There was no denying what you saw; the girl was very beautiful—very memorable. It only made it all the worse that you'd found the two on a date in the same place—the same booth—where you and Michael had shared your first kiss.

Fortunately, one thing that you did manage to grow up to have was common sense; you knew you couldn't stay after that. Nothing would ever be the same. This wasn't something you could fix, nor could a thousand apologies from him.

He'd messed up. There was nothing he could do about it now.

As you turned a corner, you nearly ran right into a man with striking blue eyes. His head was pulled up, casting shadows over most of his face, but those eyes. . .they were as bright as the sky above.

"I am so sorry," you apologized, throwing a hand up as if to stop yourself from running into him.

The blue-eyed man barely sucked in a breath before scurrying off, not even giving you a glance over the shoulder as he disappeared down the sidewalk.

You continued on your way, thinking nothing more of the incident. It was New York, after all, people were tightly packed and bumping shoulders all the time.

However, you did find it quite funny when you turned another corner over an hour later and ran into another man.

"I'm sorry; I'm so clumsy today. I'm just—not in my right mind, I'm afraid." You forced a chuckle, though your situation was anything but comical.

You looked up at the man, only to find that the same brilliant, blue eyes that you'd seen earlier were staring down at you again.

"I know what that's like," the stranger said.

You raised an eyebrow, "So, he speaks." You joked, since earlier he hadn't even accepted your apology before rushing off.

"We have to stop meeting like this." The man replied, clenching his jaw, though you knew it was an attempt at a joke.

You nodded slightly, "Well, there's a chance it could happen again—that is, if you're walking around Brooklyn in circles."

The man shifted uneasily on his feet, tilting his head as he looked down at you, "Is that what you're doing? Walking in circles?"

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