9. How You & Bucky...

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{ These are just snippets of how you & Bucky would do things together. This isn't a one shot. }

How you and Bucky cuddle:

When you cuddle, which is usually while watching I Love Lucy or one of your favorite shows, he's the big spoon. It's just how he prefers his cuddles.

Bucky absolutely loves how soft your hair is, so when you cuddle, he plays with your hair using his flesh hand.

He wraps his metal arm around you and his hand rests protectively on your stomach.

He's usually extremely focused on the show or movie, but he'll whisper, 'I love you,' to you every once in a while and kiss your jaw or cheek lightly before returning his attention to the television.

How you and Bucky sleep:

Bucky still has nightmares; he probably always will. However, if he falls asleep with your head on his chest, he usually has an easier time waking himself from them.

His metal arm rests at his side, because he's scared he'll hurt you in his sleep. His flesh arm holds you flush against him and you fall asleep to the sound of his heartbeat.

Some nights, when he's feeling sad and memories of Hydra are haunting him, he sleeps with his head on your stomach. You have run your hands through his hair or else he'll lay there awake in thought.

How you and Bucky spend rainy days:

If he doesn't have a mission to go on with Steve, Bucky likes to spend the day listening to Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Elvis Presley, and though it took him a while to admit it, Adele.

He'll pull you in for a hug and then the two of you end up dancing in the living room to the sound of the music and the rain hitting the windows. His metal hand rests at the small of your back and holds you closely to him, his flesh hand holding yours. He prefers when you lay your head on his shoulder and he absolutely adores it when you hum or sing along to the song.

How you and Bucky eat dinner at home:

A night when you and Bucky can actually plan to sit down and eat dinner together starts out stressful for not only you, but also Bucky.

You're not the best chef in the world, but you at least try, and Bucky finds that adorable...even if you do burn everything.

Not only do you get frustrated with yourself for charring your meals, you also get frustrated when Bucky tries to help. You think it's sweet of him to do, but he ends up messing everything up even worse. He's always picking things up with his metal arm and almost always ends up busting it.

For example, you had to start buying milk gallons because Bucky always busted the carton over, spilling every last drop of milk on the floor.

He'd also accidentally knock things over with his metal arm. You weren't even sure how he managed to do it, but every single time he was in the kitchen, something got knocked over.

Let's not even discuss the last time Bucky tried to crack an egg for you.

How you and Bucky make dinner plans:

When you suggest going out for dinner, Bucky immediately lights up.

You don't even have to ask where he'd like to go, because he always picks a diner.

Any diner will do—unless it doesn't have a jukebox. If there's no jukebox, Bucky won't eat there.

How you and Bucky spend off days together:

You usually drag Bucky along with you to the library. You love reading. Bucky loves you. So, basically, library it is.

How you and Bucky pick a Disney movie:

If you and Bucky decide to watch a movie, there's a fifty percent chance it's an action movie and a fifty percent chance it's a Disney movie.

Bucky was basically deprived of many of the Disney classics while he was with Hydra. The last Disney movie he'd seen before becoming a sergeant was Snow White and the Seven Dwarves.

Bucky somewhat enjoyed it, but he wasn't all for the princess movies.

No, Bucky's favorite Disney movie is Tarzan. Why? You think—you know it's because Bucky relates to Tarzan, not just because of the hair, but because of the storyline.

Tarzan had only ever known his way of life, and then Jane came along and showed him things of the human world—things that he hadn't known if before. He was similar to Bucky and Jane was similar to you.

When you'd met Bucky, you were the one who had to catch him up on all the decades he'd missed and he still was clueless about some things. It was like you were showing him a whole new world, just like Jane showed Tarzan.

So, end of story. Bucky always picks Tarzan to watch. Besides, he likes the songs on it, too.

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