34. Doll Dizzy (Part II)

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¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

"Oh, brother! You've gotta be kidding me, doll

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

"Oh, brother! You've gotta be kidding me, doll. Please, tell me you're kidding!" Bucky threw his head back with a loud, contagious laugh.

"No, I'm not kiddin', Bucky. I really never met anyone good enough." You said, glancing between him and Steve.

"I find it hard to believe, myself," Steve admitted, his kind eyes looking at you apologetically for Bucky's laughter.

"You've never been kissed? Not even on the cheek? Not once?" Bucky asked, his laugh fading into a smirk.

"Leave her be, Buck. Not everyone has to kiss everybody and their cousin, like you have." Steve scolded his friend; by the looks of it, this wasn't the first time Steve had to put him in line.

"Hey, hey, hey, I wasn't sayin' it was a bad thing. I like a girl who sticks to her own morals." Bucky explained, his blue eyes catching your's, "You're just so beautiful, I find it hard to believe."

"Well, believe it, Sergeant Barnes." You replied as you held your arms out to balance yourself while you walked along the concrete railing by the sidewalk.

"I don't think that's such a good idea, (Y/N). You might get hurt." Steve sighed, watching you cautiously.

Bucky looked away from you momentarily to look at Steve, "It's alright, buzzkill, 'cause if she falls, I'll be here to catch her." His gaze returned to you, and he winked the second you looked down at him from the railing.

"I'll be careful, Steve. And as for you," you glared at Bucky, "You worry 'bout yourself, Sergeant. I'm a dancer; I know how to move without endangering my safety."

Bucky averted his eyes to Steve briefly, "Well, that's certainly good to know." He wiggled his brows before Steve punched him in the arm, his face turning a deep shade of red.

"Now about that kiss, (Y/N). . ."

You raised a brow as you peered down at Bucky, his best pouting face on. Only you knew better than to succumb to the puppy-dog-faced soldiers that were just bored.

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