35. Things Bucky Probably Does

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Not a one shot, but a list of things that Bucky Barnes probably does when you leave him home alone:

1. Walks around naked.

2. Listens to that annoying song by Willow Smith
about flipping hair back and forth while he flips his hair back and forth.

3. Laughs at inappropriate things in the Urban Dictionary.

4. Texts you random emoji combinations (again, probably inappropriate ones).

5. Draws pictures of Hydra agents hanging above a pit of sharks.

6. After drawing the sharks, desires to watch Shark Week (which, if you're anything like me, you probably have recorded to your DVR).

7. Watches Full House and cries.

8. Watches Fuller House and gets pissed because Aunt Becky is only in it for like .2 seconds (he has a crush on her).

9. Googles pictures of puppies.

10. Calls Steve and rants about how horrible your cooking is but how cute you look in your cooking apron.

11. Tries on your cooking apron because he, too, looks cute in it (he's probably still waking around naked, though).

12. Probably gets stuck on the toilet with no toilet paper, because no matter how many times you've told him to replace the roll, he never listens.

13. Watches those YouTube videos called 'People are Awesome' because he thinks they're, well, awesome.

14. Jams out to Elvis, because he's the king.

15. Attempts to do laundry and ends up getting soap suds everywhere. And I mean everywhere.

16. Lays in bed and watches I Love Lucy.

17. Is probably Matt Damon TRASH and watches Matt Damon movies all day.

18. Brushes his teeth. Why? Because he ate six boxes of Nerds after you told him not to because candy would rot his teeth out.

19. Rummages through your underwear drawer just to annoy you.

20. Calls Steve again because he's bored and you're late.

21. Calls you because he's bored and you're late.

22. Calls you again because you ignored him the first time and you're really late and he's worried and he's protective af.

23. Waits by the door like a dog and waits for you to come home.

BONUS: I can't remember if I've written this somewhere in this book before, but I'll say it again:

Bucky PROBABLY sticks his metal finger in the toaster and electrical sockets to shock himself because he thinks it's funny when you flip the heck out.

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