38. City of Broken Promises (Part II)

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 Setting: 1 year later (after Part I)

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Setting: 1 year later (after Part I)

"This might be the strangest Valentine's Day I've ever experienced." You admitted, leaning back against the hotel room's couch as James opened yet another box of chocolates.

"So, you were supposed to get engaged last Valentine's, but instead you ended up running into a strange man who somehow managed to tell you his life story—well, what he remembers of it—in a matter of three hours, and now you're eating your 16th Hershey Kiss in his hotel room a year later." James chuckled, popping another chocolate in his mouth.

"It sounds even crazier when you say it out loud. Well, actually," you chuckled to yourself, "it doesn't sound that crazy. A girl meets a stranger and goes back to his hotel room with him on Valentine's Day after her breakup? Sounds a little like a Hollywood romance film if you ask me." You balled up up the wrapper of the Hershey Kiss you ate and threw it across the room at him. "Oh, and this is my 18th Hershey by the way."

"Well, I don't know much about Hollywood cinema anymore, but I'm pretty sure the main characters of those kinds of movies were never brainwashed." James explained, his voice wavering at the end.

You sat up straight, placing the half-empty bag of Hershey Kisses on the table in front of you.

"You have a point there," you said. "And I'm pretty sure that the main characters of those movies never met strangers and were gullible enough to believe that somehow their lover had been brainwashed by an evil organization and escaped, only to hide out in Brooklyn, New York."

"Well, you have a point there." James chuckled, "But we aren't lovers; we're friends. So. . ."

You raised your eyebrows, "You are aware that most men spend Valentine's Day with a woman, right? You know what most people do on Valentine's, right?" You laughed, reminding him that you were his only friend.

"If you're suggesting we—"

"James," you warned, letting your lips turn up into a shy smile. "Don't say stuff like that."

"I'm only joking."

You slid back down in the couch, placing another Hershey kiss in your mouth. You watched as James fiddled with his hands; eventually, he'd removed the glove all those months ago and revealed to you whom he really was. For that, you were grateful. It had brought you that much closer.

In some ways, you weren't sure why you hadn't turned and ran in the opposite direction when he'd done it. The first day you ever met James, he'd told you everything that he'd remembered about his past. It wasn't much, but it should've been enough to scare you off. Only it hasn't.

Now, here you sat, 12 months later, reflecting on the past year of friendship that James had provided you. He was a great friend; he was extremely caring. He was a bit temperamental sometimes, but he meant well. All he wanted was to have someone in his life; then, you were the only person who ever gave him a chance. Now, you continued to be the only person who ever gave him a chance.

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