17. A Little Rain Never Hurt Anybody

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Setting: 1940s

You'd somehow managed to get caught up in the middle of another April shower, and to your misfortune, you were over ten blocks away from your apartment. You tried to avoid as many puddles as you could, but they seemed to be inevitable, collecting in the cracked, Brooklyn sidewalks.

The light of day was fading, and the rainfall only grew heavier as you made your way towards home. Not many people were out this late in the evening, especially because of the rain, but you could hear the distant sounds of the city mixed with the rain hitting the rooftops of the buildings around you.

"Excuse me, Miss!" You turned towards the sound of the voice, a man clad in uniform coming into view.

You stopped as his pace turned into a jog, his left hand holding an umbrella.

"Yes?" You asked, wanting to be polite to the soldier.

"I couldn't help but notice that you don't have an umbrella, and honestly, I couldn't live with myself if I let a girl as pretty as you walk unprotected from the rain." He smirked, finally catching up with you.

Normally, you'd decline an offer from a stranger, but this was a soldier—a handsome one at that. Wouldn't it be rude to turn down a kind gesture of an American soldier?

"Well, a little rain never hurt anybody." You replied, resuming your walk.

Now, he only chuckled and held the umbrella out.

"Here, take it." The soldier smiled, waiting for you to take it.

You shook your head, "How would I get it back to you?"

The soldier bit his lower lip as if in thought.

"Well, I suppose you have a point there." He answered, continuing to walk beside you.

"Guess you'll just have to walk me home, then." You kept your eyes on the sidewalk ahead, on the lookout for any upcoming puddles.

Your painted, red lips turned up into a smirk as you shot him a sideways glance. He was absolutely gorgeous with his baby blue eyes and his uniform hat.

"I guess so," he returned your smirk, holding the umbrella over both your heads. "What's your name, doll?"

"(Y/n) (y/l/n)," you replied, looking up at him as you walked. "What about you, soldier?"

"Sergeant James Barnes, but my pals call me Bucky." He grinned, kicking at a pebble on the sidewalk.

"Well, James, a lot of men aren't half as polite as you are." You pointed out, stepping over a puddle.

James nodded in agreement, shrugging his shoulders.

"For a lovely young lady as yourself, I'm sure you deal with a lot of men, huh?" He asked, his smile fading as he saw the expression on your face.

You frowned, stopping your walk to look at him.

"No, no, no! I didn't mean it like th—what I meant was...you're a beautiful girl, and I'm sure a lot of men try to win you over." He corrected himself, feeling like the biggest idiot on earth for giving you the wrong idea.

Your red lips formed a perfect 'O' shape as your gaze focused on the sidewalk ahead again, resuming your walk towards home. "You'd be surprised."

"Oh, really?" He asked, cocking his head to the side, still looking at you.

"I've never even been asked out on a date before." You sighed.

"Seriously? Well, that's just insane! You might be one of the prettiest gals I've ever seen before," James looked absolutely dumbfounded, "and I have seen a lot."

"Well, thank you, James. I suppose most men don't take interest in girls who are smarter than them." You somehow always let your cockiness get in the way of saying what you really wished to.

"How smart are ya, (y/n)?"

"Smart enough to know the real reason why you're holding this umbrella over my head." You grinned, though you knew he would be angry with your reasoning.

"Ah yeah, and why's that?" James asked curiously, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Let me guess; you're going off to war tomorrow," you began, still focusing on the sidewalk, "and you're looking for a broad to go bonkers on before you go."

James nearly choked on air as you spoke, his face turning bright red. Girls didn't usually word things so...bluntly. He found it attractive that you didn't care what came out of your mouth, even if you were completely wrong.

"That's not true, doll. My Mama raised me better than that." James retorted, his eyes scanning the brownstones you passed.

"Doesn't matter how you were raised, Sergeant Barnes; men are men, and men want what they want and when they want it." You rolled your eyes, knowing that it was a possibility that you were going a bit hard on him.

After all, you'd only met him five minutes ago.

"I'm not a man—I mean I am...I'm a manly man. I just mean that I don't go out on the streets to pick up girls. I was being genuinely nice, (y/n)." He sighed, watching as you stopped outside of your house and reached to open the gate of the fence.

"Well, if that's the case then, Mr. Barnes, I do hope to see you again one day." You smiled, walking in and shutting the gate behind you.

"I will surely be seeing you, (y/n)...in my dreams."

{ I apologize for any misspelling, etc, in this one shot. I kept falling asleep while writing it and sometimes I don't make sense if I'm writing while exhausted. }

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