7. Monster (Part II)

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{ Finally, I wrote a part two! Yay! Also, this gif of Seb is the cutest thing ever and I'm in love. Pretend like he has Bucky hair in it, though, that way it fits in with this one shot. }
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Bucky Barnes was not a monster. You knew this for a fact, just as Steve Rogers did. However, it still came as a surprise when Steve called you out of the blue.

It had been a three weeks since Bucky had made you leave. You had told him to call you if he needed anything, but he never did.

"I'm doing this because I love you."

His words still stung. The first time Bucky ever told you he loved you, and he had told you while practically forcing out of his life. You knew he was doing it to protect you, but that didn't lessen the pain any.

"(Y/n)," Steve breathed into the phone, his voice hushed, as if he didn't want someone to overhear your conversation.

"Steve? What's wrong?" You asked, your own voice filled with concern.

"It's Bucky..." And that was all it took; just the mentioning of his name caused your stomach to do backflips.

"What about Bucky? Is he okay? Did something happen? What happened?" You asked quickly, practically rolling off of your bed and rushing towards your closet.

Needless to say, you hadn't really gone out much since Bucky sent you home. You'd been in one of your "sweatpants and Netflix" moods for the past few weeks, only leaving your apartment to get food.

You held the phone between your ear and your shoulder as you rummaged through the mess, finding a hoodie and leggings. If you were being completely honest with yourself, you weren't quite ready to give up comfort in return for jeans just yet.

After a few moments of silence on the other line, you threw your clothes on the bed and took the phone in your hand again.

"Hello? What's going on?" You asked again, stripping your sweats off and pulling the leggings on.

"He needs you." Steve finally replied, his voice still barely a whisper.

"I told him to call if he needed me. I haven't heard anything from him since the day I left." You answered, struggling to put your gray hoodie on while holding the phone to your ear.

"Do you not know Bucky? He hates asking for help." Sarcastic Steve made an appearance, causing you to roll your eyes.

"Of course," you sighed, leaving your room the second the hoodie was on.

"So you're coming, right?"

"I'm on my way." You shoved your black converses on and pulled the apartment door shut behind you, your car keys dangling from the lanyard around your neck.

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