10. Schoolboys

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Setting: 1933 (Bucky is sixteen based on MCU)

You were always an intelligent student, never one to play dumb for a boy's attention. You rolled your eyes at the girls who faked not having any brains just to 'look cute.' It wasn't cute. Intelligence was cute; you always did like a smart guy.

You met Bucky Barnes when you moved to Brooklyn. You were sixteen and a straight A student.

You grew up in (your state) but had moved due to your father (or male guardian) getting a new job. It was a well-paying job, but now he was never  home and seeing as you had no siblings, you stayed home alone most of the time.

When you first stepped into your eleventh grade classroom, your eyes flickered around in search of an empty desk; your eyes landed on the cutest boy you had ever laid eyes on. He had shiny, brown hair, pearly white teeth, and his eyes, ugh, they were two brilliant pools of blue.

Unfortunately, you hadn't realized how long you'd been eyeing him and before you knew it, the teacher was calling out your name.

"There's a seat in the back, Miss (y/l/n)," the older woman pointed out, your cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

You'd stood there looking like an idiot for a solid two minutes, eyes locked on a boy who hadn't even noticed you standing there. He'd been too busy chatting with a short, skinny boy next to him.

"Right, thank you, ma'am," you nodded, catching the cute boy's eye for a moment as you walked past him and towards the back of the classroom.

"Hi there," he grinned, resulting in an inaudible noise from the scrawny boy on the other side of the aisle.

"Hi," you smiled, your cheeks still pink.

As you took your seat, he glanced over his shoulder at you before turning back to the teacher. He continued to turn around periodically throughout the remainder of the class, sending butterflies loose in your stomach every time.

"Miss (y/l/n)," the teacher called out at the end of class, "you'll need to catch up on some notes before we test on Friday. Get with another student and discuss the history of the Civil War by Thursday, please."

"Okay, thank you, ma'am," you forced a polite smile.

"I can help catch her up to speed," the boy in front of you spoke up, turning around to see your reaction.

"Good, Mr. Barnes," the teacher smiled before returning her attention to papers strewed across her desk.

"I'm Bucky, by the way." He smirked, his blue eyes studying every feature of your face.

"I'm (y/n)," you smiled back, his smirk causing your stomach to do backflips. "Are you sure? About the notes? I mean, I'm pretty sure I could figure it out on my own and it's not a —"

"I insist, (y/n), you can't turn me down." Bucky stood up from his seat when the bell rang, winking at you.

"Well, I appreciate it." You stood up, too, books in hand.

"Need any help finding your next class?" Bucky raised an eyebrow, that goofy grin still plastered on his face.

"Actually, that would be great. Yes," you chirped, glancing over at the scrawny boy who stood listening to your every word.

"Here," Bucky took your books out of your hands, "I'll carry these." He winked, looking over at his friend. You blushed in return.

"I know I'm short, but I'm not transparent," the skinny boy spoke up, his blue eyes landing on Bucky and then you again.

"Sorry, pal. (Y/n), this is my best friend, Steve." Bucky smiled, looking between the two of you.

"Nice to meet you, Steve." You offered a hand, which he shook eagerly.

"Sorry about Bucky's eye," Steve said seriously, "sometimes it twitches when he's nervous." He tried to hold back a chuckle as his friend's face reddened. You knew he was talking about Bucky's winking.

"Ouch, Rogers. Go easy on me," he turned away from Steve to look at you, "y'know I got a heart as soft as a teddy bear. You're hurtin' my feelings, pal." Bucky let himself wink, once more; his attempts to flirt with you were more than obvious, but you didn't mind.

You knew from the first day you laid eyes on him that Bucky Barnes, though he may have been a total flirt, just so happened to be the guy for you.

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