26. Human

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Setting: After TWS (AU aka not during Civil War)

"I'm coming." Bucky repeated himself for the tenth time since he'd entered the quinjet.

"No, you're not." Steve replied yet again as he handed you one of your hand-guns.

You took the gun in your hand, turning it over several times to inspect it. This would be the first mission you'd gone on with Steve; usually, you assisted Clint. However, this time was different for one reason only. . .the mission was to take out a squadron of Hydra agents that had flown into New York, most likely to get Bucky back. Bucky couldn't assist on the mission for two reasons: one, he hadn't fought since he was fighting for Hydra several months prior, and two, he was finally remembering his old life and if Hydra were to take him into their custody again, he would be wiped and transformed back into the Winter Soldier.

"I'm ready for this. Please, Steve, you know I can do this." Bucky pleaded, his jaw clenching.

"You're not, Bucky. There's a reason why you can't come on this mission, and I need you to trust me when I say that you're not ready." Steve stopped bustling about the quinjet to grasp his friend's shoulder.

You watched them as you slid the hand-gun into your belt. You felt bad for Bucky; he'd been working hard to rid himself of all things Hydra--to become the man he used to be before they brainwashed him--but to go on the mission could be the equivalent of handing him over to Hydra. It was too risky.

"It's Hydra, Bucky." You blurted out, watching his eyes turn a shade darker--colder.

"What?" He asked as Steve shot a glare at you for telling him.

"We're going to take down some of Hydra's agents. We think they're here for you." You swallowed, watching Bucky stare at you.

Bucky didn't say anything as he pushed Steve aside and took a seat on the quinjet, one of his guns across his lap.

"Bucky," Steve tried, looking over at you and back at Bucky.

"I'm going." Bucky stated, his cold eyes fixated on the gun in his lap.

"But--" You were going to object, but when Bucky looked up at you, you stopped.

The pain and rage in his eyes prevented you from speaking any further.

"This isn't your call, (Y/N). It isn't Steve's either." Bucky exhaled through his nose deeply, "If anyone is facing Hydra, it's going to be me. I'll show them how dangerous they made me."

You glanced over at Steve, sucking in a breath through your gritted teeth. Steve stood still for a minute, looking at Bucky. He then took the pilot's seat without saying another word, and the three of you departed the Tower.

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