11. Bucky's Favorites

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{ here are a few things that I think would be Bucky's favorites }

Bucky's favorite things about you:

Eyes — because he loves the way you look at him.

Smile — especially when he's the one who has caused it.

Hugs — because when you pull him in for a bear hug, there's no chance of him leaving.

Bucky's favorite movie:

Forrest Gump — not only does he get emotional while watching it, he also thinks that it was based on a true story and that there was a real Forrest who did all of the things in real life...you don't have the heart to tell him that it's fiction.

Bucky's favorite song:

Anything Elvis Presley or Frank Sinatra; he loves the classics.

Bucky's favorite shows:

I Love Lucy — it may have aired a few years after he'd fell off the train, but it still reminded him of home and helped him remember bits and pieces of his life he thought Hydra had taken from him forever.

Friends — who doesn't love Friends? Bucky doubles over laughing at every episode; his favorite character is Chandler Bing because of his humor.

The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air — okay, if it's not obvious, Bucky likes funny shows, especially if they make you laugh, too; he loves your laugh.

Finding Bigfoot — Bucky's guilty pleasure; he only watches it when you're busy and he's sworn you to secrecy. No one can know that he's seen every single episode.

Bucky's favorite color:

Gray — it's not bright, it's not dark; it reminds him of himself and his struggle between regaining control of his life and fighting off Winter's urges.

Bucky's favorite animal:

Dogs — Buck loves dogs; he wants you two to adopt one more than anything right now, but you insist they're a lot of responsibility and the two of you are often too busy to care for anything other than yourselves; you secretly want one, too, though.

Bucky's favorite number:

107 — in memory of his friends.

Bucky's favorite person:

Steve — Bucky loves you; you mean the world to him, but Steve will always hold a special place in his heart and you understand completely.

Bucky's favorite food:

Pecan pie — it may be a dessert, but Bucky claims he couldn't live without it; his mom used to make the best pecan pie in the world.

Bucky's favorite sound:

Your laugh — cheesy, yes, but Bucky adores it.

Bucky's favorite book:

Call of the Wild — Bucky has never told you why it's his favorite book, but you know it is because he is always rereading it at night when he can't fall asleep.

Bucky's favorite thing to talk about:

Your childhood — he likes to hear stories about your life, whether they're happy memories or sad memories, he wants to hear about them all.

Bucky's favorite date location:

The drive-in — he just loves taking you to see a movie, yet being able to enjoy it from the comfort of your car. Besides, he doesn't have to worry about the presence of others judging him, which is something he's often paranoid about in public.

Bucky's favorite object:

His dog tags — you can assume why.

{ that's all I have for now, but I'm sure I'll think of more another time and write a part two. }

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