28. A Sign

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Setting: 1940s

"That's Sergeant James Barnes. He's a real catch, isn't he?" A voice snapped you out of your thoughts.

You'd been staring at your ex-boyfriend Bucky for more than five minutes, and one of the other nurses had finally noticed. You'd cleaned up just about every wound on every soldier that had come through today, but you didn't have the great fortune of tending to Bucky. So, you'd bandaged up another soldier and sent him on his way before spying on the handsome man while he talked one of the other nurse's head off.

"Guess so." You shrugged, looking over at the blonde nurse, Anna, as you folded clean towels on the table in front of you. "I actually know him; it's been months since I last saw him, though."

You looked back over to where Bucky had been sitting on an infirmary table, only to see him gone and replaced with another soldier.

"You know Sergeant Barnes? And you never told me?" Anna raised her eyebrows, smacking you with a clean wash rag.

"Oh, hush, that boy has probably forgotten all about me, anyways. He didn't exactly leave Brooklyn on the best of terms with me." You admitted, letting out a chuckle as the wash rag hit you in the arm.

Only your laugh faded as you heard a familiar voice behind you.

"Now who's fault was that, doll? You broke up with me, 'member?" Bucky stood behind you, a good foot taller than you and wearing the cutest pout you ever laid eyes on.

You glanced over at Anna who was smiling like a little school girl, then looked up at the soldier towering over you.

"Actually, I don't remember." You said, swallowing your nerves.

"Well, I remember perfectly. You 'ccused me of cheating on you, then you said you never wanted to see me again."

"And I meant every last word." You folded your arms over your chest, trying not to crack under the pressure of his baby blue eyes staring down at you.

"Oh, really? They why have you been staring at me the past ten minutes? Hm? If you never wanted to see me again, wouldn't you just look away?" Bucky smirked as a blush crept up on you.

"I—I," you stumbled over your own words, caught red-handed by Bucky himself.

"Exactly. Now, how about you and I let this lovely lady get back to work, and we can take a walk and talk a little?" He suggested, giving Anna a-little-too-nice smile.

"Oh, right. Nice to meet you, Sergeant!" Anna waved, nearly tripping over her own feet as she turned to look back at Bucky after leaving.

Bucky waved kindly before his eyes flickered back to you—only you.

"Shall we?" He held out his arm for you to take, adjusting his uniform hat on his head with his free hand.

You hesitantly linked your arm with his and started walking alongside of him, looking up at him every few seconds to see if he was going to start a conversation first.

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