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Shawn Mendes

After Laur's call I got two weeks ago it got me thinking. Why did Val need to talk to me. Laur sounded pretty serious. Before I could think of anything else my phone vibrated

Unknown :
I broke up with Val

"What?" I asked myself I read the text over and over again and texted back.

Who's this?

Shawn I think you know who this is.



Wait...why did you break up with Valerie?

I just wasn't in love with her anymore I guess...

Well is she okay?

How about you call her yourself.

You know I can't do that....

Well okay...but I just texted you to say goodbye officially. I'm leaving Canada and moving to Chicago to live with my dad. I can't stay here. So bye Shawn have a nice life and take care of yourself.

I read it over twice to make sure I was reading it right...he was leaving? Leaving Valerie all by herself. Laur and Zack are leaving to college soon. After that she'll be all by herself...

Well she deserves it after doing what she did to me. She deserves it.

"Shawn" I heard, I turn around to see my girlfriend Hailee. "You're about to go on let's go" she said with a smile. I nodded walking over to her and wrapped my arm around her. We made our way backstage. She kissed my cheek and wished me good luck as the guy called me name. I grabbed my guitar and walked out.

I heard the crowd scream which caused me to smile. I waved and adjusted the microphone.

I began to talk about how amazing it is to be here and to preform for them. I then began to strum my guitar.

I was now singing the last song of my set, Stitches. As I began singing I looked over at Hailee and smiled signaling her it was now her cue to come on stage. Once she did the crowd went insane. Hailee began to sing along with me. Her voice made me smile I couldn't stop looking at her as we sang.

She noticed then smiled at me. Knowing that I have an amazing girl by my side, makes me feel like I've actually moved on.


Aw good for you shawnson :')))

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