When We Were Young

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7 Years Ago...

"I don't want to be apart of that mistakes life!" Alec Handler had been in a rage ever since he found out his girlfriend Alicia Debrev was pregnant.  

"How can you say that?!" Alicia roared. It had been a month since she gave birth to her beautiful baby boy; Alec Blake Handler Jr. "He is your SON!"  

"Alicia," He hissed,"You're only SEVENTEEN! I'm only 21 ! We can't be parents! Let alone good ones! We live in a ratty apartment in the Bronx. We barely have enough money to pay for food for ourselves! That child is a burden." The way he spoke of his own child disgusted Alicia. She decided that it was the straw. She cradled baby Alec in her arms to the bedroom. She quickly threw some of her clothes and all of Alec's into a suitcase. Her long jet black hair followed her as she pushed past Alec in rage towards the door.  

"And where the hell do you think your going!?" He yelled from their 'kitchen'. (As if it could be considered so. It might as well be a home for creepy crawlers. It was any exterminators dream.) His brown eyes full of rage. Looking at him you would be able to fall easily for his brown eyes so sweet, his deep brown locks silky to the touch, and his boyish features making him handsome. But Alicia had been with him long enough for his charm to wear off into nothing. For her son's sake she stayed with the ass, but now seeing as he wanted no part in her son's life she had no reason to stay. 

"I'm leaving." She snapped coldly. Her blue eyes held pain and anger built up from the months since her long pregnancy. 

Baby Alec was staring up at her in confusion. He was a good baby who rarely cried and was so cute and quiet it was impossible not to adore him. He had his mothers eyes and his father's looks.  

Well at least he'll grow up to be a good-looking boy, thought Alicia when she first laid eyes on her baby boy.  

Alec chuckled heartlessly."And to wear are you going? Haven't you forgotten? Your parents disowned you when you got pregnant." He remind her with a nasty little smirk.  

"They might have." Alicia smirked back,"But my grandparents never did. And if you've forgotten they live in the Hampton's. Next-door to your grandparent who I know have been eager to see their great-grandson. So you see Alec, I can leave. And I will never have to come back. So don't write." She slammed the dingy door shut and made her way onto the dirty and dark streets of the Bronx. The cold March wind nipped at her while she called a cab. Alec was in her arms blissfully asleep. As soon as she got a cab she hopped in and gave the cabbie the address. She watched her old dirty apartment building and it's roach infested walls fade away as the cab drove off. Alicia smiled knowing she would never have to go back.  

Back in the Alec was dumbfounded as Alicia slammed the door. Part of him was happy to be free of the burden known as his son, the other wanted to take back everything he had said about not wanting his son. Even though every venom filled word since baby Alec was born was true, it didn't mean he didn't care for Alicia. He was his first love, first time, and even his first kiss. But at seventeen he was not ready for the demands of fatherhood. The jobs he had taken, the constant getting up at night, changing and feedings were too much for him to handle. And as Alicia dragged his son from him he was relived. He was a free man! A single man too. Now he could live his life without having to care for a child and a girlfriend. He could do whatever his little heart desired without having to answer to anyone.  

He smiled at this realization and threw himself on the dirty couch.  

No responsibility. Being tied down is thrown out the window. And now, Alec could do whatever the hell he pleased.


This is something I thought up while listening to the song "If I Die Young-The Band Perry" Its about a girl named Alicia who leaves her ass of a boyfriend who proclaims he wants no part of his newborn son's life. But 4 years later, both these teenagers now 21 meet again. Alec is now head of his own lawfirm, best in New York City, and Alicia is the best and youngest lawyer New York has ever seen. Now both of them must work together and forget their past together, but now Alec cannot stop wanting to be apart of his son's life. He has his life together and has grown-up. But Alicia is hellbent on keeping him away from her pride and joy. Will she keep him away for ever? Or will Alec just throw the law she represents and protects right at her?  

Hope you guys enjoy and chapter 1 will be up as soon as it's written and reviewed (: Thanks for reading!

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