When We Were Young(15)

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When We Were Young(15)

Dedicated to : DarkNiteLover ! She is seriously a dedicated fan! She comments on mostly every chapter and always likes to give positive feed back! Thank you for being so dedicated!


Your string of lights is still bright to me though,



I gulped audibly. "What are you doing here?"

Cole chuckled. "Tsk tsk Ms. Debrev. Why try running ? You know that it is very easy to find a beautiful woman like yourself. Especially if you're staying with another man and his child. Alexios is his name I believe."

I stiffened as he rose and walked towards me. He gingerly patted Jordyn's head. Jordyn cringed from his touch and buried himself deeper into my chest. 

"And this must be the little man himself." he cooed. 

I gritted my teeth at his proximity. "Don't you dare touch him."

Cole put his hands up in surrender. "I would never harm a child Alicia. Threaten them maybe, but never hurt physically. Mentally however is always an option."

I swear if I was an animal I would've growled at him, but I am a civilized human being, so I kneed him. 

Four times.

I let Jordyn run into his room and make sure he locked it. I took off my heals and got into my old MMA fighting stance. Cole stood up and had fury burning in his eyes.

"That was a low blow Alicia." he growled at me.

"Come and get dirty then Cole." I taunted.

He charged at me but I saw it coming and kicked him in his chest knocking him back into a wall. I took my chance and elbowed him in the nose.  He groaned in pain and doubled over. I took the chance to knee him in his throat. He gasped for air as he fell to his knees. I crouched down to his eye level. "Had enough?"

Suddenly his hand flew out and he punched me in the face. The punch came with so much force I could already feel the bruise forming. 

"Hows that taste?" I heard him get back on his feet.

I stood too ignoring the pain in my face and also my hands from where I caught myself before I could fall flat on my face.

"Not too bad," I spit a little to the side to see blood, but didn't really care enough to freak out. "But you could use a little lotion. I mean Jesus, you have sandpaper for hands Mr. D'Ambrisio." 

He lunged for me once again and slammed my back into the wall. I felt the air being knocked out of my lungs but quickly was able to regain some oxygen back. I was able to get a swift kick to his ribs due to how close he was to me. He let go of me and stumbled backwards towards the couch. I quickly jumped and kicked him square in the jaw sending him right over the couch into the glass coffee table. Shards were sent flying in all directions. I felt one gash me right in the cheek and another on my bicep. 

"Shit." I cursed silently. I went to check Cole cautiously and much to my amusement he was knocked out. 

"ALICIA!" I heard Alexios's voice yell. I looked around and found him at the door with wide eyes. 

I looked around to see dents, glass, and blood everywhere in the living room. I flinched at the mess Cole and I had made. "I AM STUCK AT WORK  FOR TWO MORE DAMN HOURS AND I COME BACK TO THIS?! WHAT- Wait where is Jordyn? Why is there blood on my carpet and walls? AND WHY THE HELL ARE YOU BLEEDING?!"

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