Chapter 5

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[Have a good read.]

Liam took Chris out. Chris wanted to try some nail polish but he didn't know where to find it and Liam wanted to get out of the hotel.

"It's almost like a date," Chris said before they left the hotel.

"Just if you touch me the Internet will implode." Liam wasn't too keen on sharing Chris with the world. No one really knew who or what he was. They just knew he had been to a few shows, standing with the boys families at some. Liam's parents knew who Chris was. They just didn't know about the friends with benefits part.

"Maybe that's how it should be, darling." Chris winked at Liam before leaving the hotel room. In the hall they walked past Zayn who was talking to one of their security guards. Liam and Chris had asked to head out alone. They waved to Zayn as they walked by. He waved back, not fully paying attention.

Liam and Chris walked around for a while before finding the perfect shop. Chris pretended to be looking for his girlfriend - a lie that made Liam laugh - and offered to test the colours on him. They spent ten minutes looking at different types of nail polish before they were discovered.

"Oh. My. God." And it seemed that whenever that was said, a wild fangirl or fanboy would appear. Today there were three girls. They all looked at Liam in amazement, taking out phones in hopes of getting a picture. Chris turned away from the girls. They didn't know who he was. To them, he didn't matter.

"Hello," Liam said. He sounded kind of bored.

"Hi. Oh my god. I can't believe it's you. Hi. I'm Cathy."

"Wow," Chris mumbled. He didn't mean to be loud but he caught Cathy's attention. "This nail polish is so cool." He looked towards the girls and awkwardly smiled. "For my girlfriend," he said. "She's dramatic, you know? I need dramatic colours." Chris looked at Liam. "What? They're girls. Look - they have nail polish on - maybe they could help."

"You're with Liam?" Cathy asked. She sounded suspicious.

"I am. He's helping me shop for my girlfriend." This made Liam laugh too. He didn't know why he found it so funny but the mental image of Chris with a girl never worked. "Silly boy," Chris said to Liam before turning his attention to the nail polish. Liam started talking to the three girls, that then turned into seven - and then fourteen - and soon Chris went to purchase the nail polish alone. (It's not like Liam promised to pay or anything. Plus he got a little busy.)

Chris found a Starbucks. He didn't feel bad for leaving Liam alone with all those fans. He felt bad for being alone. Chris texted Liam his location and waited. It took Liam just over an hour to get to the Starbucks, and still some people followed him there. Chris wanted to groan but faked a smile. Chris signed up for this when he agreed to fool around with Liam in the first place. Liam asked Chris if he was okay and got a nod in reply. Chris was watching the fans. They waited inside and outside the shop.

"Do you want to go back?" Chris asked.

"I don't know. If you want."

"I mean - a lot more girls will be here soon. So . . ." Liam stepped closer to Chris and leaned down.

"We can paint your nails," Liam whispered just for Chris.

"Let's go then."


"What is thi- what are you doing?" Louis looked at Liam and Chris in question. They were sitting on the floor of Liam's hotel room, Liam painting Chris' nails.

"We got bored," Liam shrugged. "Plus I was mobbed earlier. I can't go back outside until we leave for the show."

"Right . . . That's what I'm here to talk to you about. Listen, Liam. If there's anything you want to tell me tell me now."

"What do you mean?" Liam asked.

"This." Louis handed Liam his phone. A headline read:

Liam Payne Seen Kissing Mystery Boy.

Earlier today One Direction's Liam Payne was spotted out in the city with a mystery boy. The two were spotted together in Starbucks where it appears Payne was kissing the myste-

"Shit," Liam said, not bothering to finish reading the article. "Oh shit. That's when I was whispering to you."

"Wait they think that was us kissing?" Chris asked. He looked at Louis' phone, mouth open in shock. "Okay. Shit."

"So this isn't. Oh - okay. You know management will have to deal with this and you know how much they love that," Louis said.

"What did you think it was?" Liam asked.

"I was just making sure, Liam. I don't know what you like sticking your dick in."

"OHMYGOD." Chris laughed. "That expression. Oh my GOD." He looked at Liam and tried to stop laughing but Chris was scared. Scared that they would have to stop.

"I think Chris told a few people he had a girlfriend," Liam said. "If that's any kind of help."

"Maybe . . ." Louis looked down at Chris. He watched Chris. As if he was trying to figure out all his secrets. Louis looked at his nails. The blue polish beginning to dry. It still needed a second coating. "Okay. Sorry for bursting in on . . . This. I just wanted to make sure."

Make sure of what? Chris wondered. He looked at Liam again and felt guilty. He was getting Liam in trouble. He knew it, but Chris also knew Liam would never admit it.

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