Chapter 19

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Liam wasn't jealous. He was sad. There was a difference. When Louis, Harry and Niall came forwards on what they were doing they offered Liam a place. Just to be nice Liam thought, they don't actually want me. Liam declined, explaining he had just started to get over what he had with Chris. (Which was a lie. Liam was planning to break up with Sophia soon. That wasn't working out like he thought it would.)

Liam kind of wished he had agreed. The other three boys had begun to act more openly when around him. Liam noticed. He noticed what position Harry and Louis held over Niall. Harry was gentle. He was constantly holding Niall and whispering things to him. Harry was always gently with the boys. But with Niall he was different. Harry held him with care. Liam wanted to hold Chris like that. Louis was there for comfort. Like Harry he would hold Niall in a delicate way. Just Louis was more daring. It was obvious he led the sex part of their relationship. Liam wondered if they would ever stop. He wondered if Chris would come back one day. If they would ever be able to become what they once were just together. Some nights Harry would wander into Liam's room and join him in bed. Liam was always awake when this happened. He would pretend to be asleep.

But this didn't happen anymore. Because of the break. Liam would hope to wake up and find Harry sleeping beside him. He wanted it more than anything but it wasn't happening. And he wanted to call Chris. But the new letter had been warning enough on what not to do. Liam was losing himself again and he didn't know how to stop it.


Chris and Oasis had become closer. They always hung out at Chris' place. Oasis had dyed his hair a silverish purple. Chris liked to run his hands through Oasis' hair. They hadn't talked about it. He didn't know is Oasis liked boys but he do like Chris' affection. Oasis had known Chris from Twitter but he didn't want to say anything at first. But then it became too much for him and Oasis needed to ask. Of course, he felt bad. But Chris was happy he asked instead of assuming things about him.

"We could go out sometime," Chris said.

"Like a date?" Oasis questioned.

"I mean - I just - you know. We could like - yeah." Chris was blushing. He refused to meet Oasis' eyes. Those eyes. His green, green eyes. Chris loved to look at them.

"We could," Oasis said. This made Chris look at him. Oasis was smiling ever so slightly.

"I'm sorry," Chris said. "I didn't even think before saying that."

"Hey it's okay. I'll pay even." Oasis touched his arm. Chris could tell by his touch that this would be slow. That this relationship (could he call it that?) would be slower than what Chris had with Liam. Maybe that would be good for him. Maybe it would be healthier.

"You don't have to." Chris had money. It was Liam's, but he had some.

"I will. I've never gone on a date before." For a secret reason.

"Then let me pay." He wanted to treat Oasis.

"Okay how about this. We split the price." Because Oasis had never had someone spend money on him.

"Oasis please. I can pay." Chris smiled at him. "Now how about we watch a movie?"

"What movie? I suck at choosing them."

"Okay. So this one is in Spanish. But it's really good. And sad. And maybe a little creepy." There was a hint of something in Chris' voice. Oasis agreed and sat on the couch while Chris set up the movie. Chris came back to the couch and sat next to Oasis. Closer than he usually sat. Chris put his arm around Oasis. "This movie makes me cry. I'll need comfort." Oasis felt himself blushing.

"What's it called?"

"Pans Labyrinth," Chris answered. He buried his head in Oasis' neck, feeling as if he was crossing too many lines. But Oasis said nothing.

Oasis and Chris were both crying at the end of the film. Chris felt his eyes dropping. He was still holding onto Oasis, and together they fell asleep on the couch.


"Shit." Oasis moved away from him. "Fuck. Shit." It woke Chris up. He looked around. The sun was barley coming up, but Chris knew Oasis was in a panic and he didn't know why.

"What's wrong?" Chris asked, stifling a yawn.

"I have to go home. I didn't say I'd be spending the night." And that was new. Chris didn't know Oasis lived with anyone.
"Do you want breakfast?" Chris asked.

"I need to go. Call me and we'll plan the date, okay?" Oasis gently kissed Chris on the cheek before leaving. Chris stood there, shocked. Wondering if he did anything wrong, and what he did right.

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