Chapter 18

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Chris met him at a truck stop. He was sitting alone and so was Chris. The boy, a pale skinny thing named Oasis, asked Chris if he could join him.

"I promise I'll pay for my own food," Oasis said. "I'm just really lonely." So Chris said yes. And the two started talking. And while talking they lost track of time until Chris looked at his phone and realized it was almost

"I really should get going," he said. "I have to walk back." And Chris didn't know if he was asking for a ride or not but that's what he was offered. "I don't know you," Chris said.

"Do you know how to drive?" Oasis asked.

"I do."

"Drive the car to your place. Then you'll know I'm not kidnapping you." A soft smile.

"You could always kidnap me later, once you know where I live." A smile in return. Chris did drive himself home in Oasis' car. He liked the style of music that was playing. He liked the smell of the car. And he liked Oasis sitting next to him. Even in the silence it was nice. It didn't take Chris long to pull up to the condo. He wanted more time, he realized. Oasis was the first person to really talk to him here and not accuse him of various things.

"This might sound weird but can I have your number?" Chris asked. "I just moved back here and I have no friends." Oasis smiled.

"Can I be your friend?"

"That's what my offer is." Chris took his phone out and handed it to Oasis. "I'll text you later. Right now I need sleep." Chris took back his phone when Oasis was done entering his number and looked at it for a moment. "Goodnight."


Right away Chris texted Niall, telling him about his night, while preparing for bed. He didn't know what the time difference would be, but he knew Niall would get the text later. Chris was just about to climb into bed when he thought about texting Liam. He could tell him about Oasis, have Liam stop worrying about him. But Chris didn't. He felt like if he did, then things would be over for real. Liam could not know about Oasis. Chris couldn't let Liam think he had moved on because he hadn't. That night Chris went to bed with tear stained cheeks, but a soft smile. Thinking about a boy with a strange name.


Liam was a different story. He was writing, some bottles of beer open to his left. Three of them finished. He couldn't stop writing and everything he wrote was wrong. It was all about Chris and it was depressing and he was half-drunk and didn't know how to stop writing like this.

you a song
the sound of a gun
the crack in the ice
fuck me
I fucked up
fuck me
this song isn't working

And Liam knew these weren't getting anywhere. He knew he needed to stop but then oh - another bottle was in his hand and he needed to pee but he needed to cry more because Chris was done. Chris was done with him and Liam never thought it would hurt that bad. Niall had been calling him. Louis had tried to get into his room but Liam had locked the door so the key wouldn't work. Harry was the only one who hadn't come. The only one who didn't know. Liam realized he needed to tell Harry what was happening. He deserved to know about Chris and he deserved to know about how badly Liam fucked things up. But telling Harry would mean leaving the room, or getting his phone out and seeing all the missed calls and texts from Niall.

Finally Liam stood up. The room tilted and he regretted drinking so much but it was too late now. He didn't have to impress anyone. It was only his band and maybe security who would see him. Liam stumbled to the door of his hotel room and let his head rest against it for a few seconds while to took calming breaths. Slowly he unlocked the door and moved out into the hall. It was no surprise that Louis was out there, sitting on the ground. He looked at Liam when he came out of his room and sighed.

"How drunk are you?" Louis asked.

"Five?" How much did he have? Liam tried to remember but he couldn't.

"I'll get you to bed," Louis said, standing up.

"Need Harry," Liam argued. "He needs to know bout Chris."

"You can tell him tomorrow Liam. Please go to bed."

"Bout how I - I love him."

"Yes. You can tell him tomorrow." Of course Louis thought Liam was talking bullshit. He was drunk. But Louis also knew Liam loved Chris.

"Need to tell him now."

"Liam . . ."

"Please Louis." Liam moved close to Louis. A little too close. "He needs to know how kissing Chris was. He needs to know how nice it was." Liam pushed forwards, his lips on Louis'. They weren't kissing. Just waiting. Liam was breathing into Louis' mouth. Louis was too shocked to move. He didn't know if Liam intended for this to happen or not but they were almost kissing.

"G-go talk to Harry," Louis stuttered, moving away. "He's in his room." Liam went.

Harry was waiting TV. He was sitting in a chair, not in his bed like Liam would expect. He felt like he was invading. Like he shouldn't be there. Liam could tell Harry knew of his presence.

"Harry?" Liam called out. Everything was far away. He didn't want to be there.

"You're drunk," Harry stated. He turned his head towards Liam. "You haven't been talking to anyone. I'm assuming you're going to tell me why."

"Chris," Liam spluttered. "I lo-love him." And he had tried not to but Liam found himself crying. "And he's gone - I lost him."

"Liam," Harry said softly. He stood up and walked over to Liam. "Don't cry. I know you love him. Please - take deep breaths." Harrys hand were gentle. His touch soothing.

"We had sex - Harry we had sex."

"I know," Harry said.

"No. Harry I had sex with him," Liam cried.

"I know you did. Liam I know about that." And for a moment Liam was mad at Louis or Niall or Zayn for telling Harry. But then he looked at Harry. And even in his drunken mind Liam knew Harry wasn't told.  

"Ho-how?" Liam said, his chest heaving. He wiped his eyes. Harry turned away from Liam and went over to the door of the bathroom. Harry said something in a low voice before holding a hand out. Liam didn't know what to expect. He defiantly didn't expect Niall to come out of the bathroom in his underwear. Niall nodded shyly at Liam in welcome.

"I was getting my cock sucked before you came in here. Just about to repay the favor." Harry didn't take his hand out of Niall's. Liam wanted to ask if everyone in the bad was having a secret love affair with each other but decided against it. Liam looked at Niall. His skin was pink with embarrassment. He wasn't meeting Liam's eyes. "I could tell by the way you and Chris interacted. I knew there was something. And it didn't take long for me to guess it was sexual. It wasn't dating, you would have told us."

"I love him, Harry." Liam's voice was softer now. He had stopped looking at Niall and returned his attention to Harry.

"And that's okay."

[I don't think you get how much Chris means to me.]

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