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**Spencer's POV for now**

It pained me to know that my girl was still having nightmares even with everything I tried to do. I knew it would be awhile for her to heal and overcome them, but it still didn't make it any easier when I wasn't there to help.

"Spenc, we're in the green," my partner said over the radio as we made our first move to go rescue the women inside.

Saying a silent prayer, I hoped we would finish this mission even quicker than the last time so that I could make it home faster.

"Go!" The men yelled over the radio as we barged into the storehouse that looked run down. Nothing moved as we made our way inside and I looked around to find any clues.

"There," I pointed at the wooden square that stood out on the floor. A trap door to the basement.

"We don't know if that's clear or not," someone warned me as I opened it up and shined my flashlight around.

"We're about to find out then. Cover me," I said as I dropped down inside and glanced around to see no one.

Taking a couple of steps forward, I waited quietly for a sound to be made but nothing happened. I felt like I was inside a virtual video game, just waiting for the enemy to reveal them self.

"Clear," I called as two more guys dropped down and helped me scout the place.

The basement was musty and had multiple boxes placed along the walls. Nothing out of the ordinary stood out, but our sources had told us there were three women held here. We're we too late?

Stepping around the premiss, I smelled the faint smell of blood and followed it to where a door was that we had overlooked.

"John," I waved my flashlight as I opened the door to reveal the three women bound in chains and suspended.

"Did you find them?" He called while making his way over.

"Yeah," I said as the woman in the middle gazed at me in fear with her dark grey eyes and blonde hair.

"Don't be afraid, we're here to save you."

**Lucinda's POV**

"Do you think we'll ever get past the stage of childproofing things?" V asked me as we sat on the couch.

"Probably not, those three have minds of their own."

"I wonder where they got that from," Veronica teased me as she leaned into me.

"I can speak for one of them... You have to answer for the other two," I teased back and stroked her arm.

"They're led by example," she tried to justify as I just laughed.

"Still stubborn aren't we?"

"Always," she kissed my lips before frowning, "what's on your mind Luce?"

"I'm just worried about Lydia... She seems... I don't know, her fears are still prominent and I'm unsure of how to help her."

"You and your mother are the best resources she can go to on this," my wife reminded me gently.

"Yeah, I'm under the impression she doesn't tell Spencer everything like what she tells me."

"That's probably true, but take it as a blessing that she can trust you."

I kissed my wife's hair and laid content on the couch. She was right, my sister trusted me enough to come to me about things, barely knowing me. I guess it was a blessing.

"Now since we're alone we should probably try to do all the things we talked about before our time is up," V suggested.

"It's funny how that's changed from lovemaking to doing dishes and cleaning our bedroom," I sighed.

"Well we can still do the lovemaking baby," she teased, "it's not like we have to worry about getting the other one pregnant."

"True, God knows I don't want anymore kids," I pressed my lips against hers briefly.

"So..." Veronica whispered seductively, "where to first? The bedroom... Or the kitchen?"

"Countertop sex sounds like fun," I winked as she blushed a deep shade of pink.

"Lead the way babe."

**Spencer's POV**

"What are your names?" I asked the women gently as we were in a car driving away.

The three of them looked around hesitantly, still not believing their luck. I couldn't blame them, it was always hard to accept at first.

"I promise that we are taking you back to your respective families. I work for the government so to speak," I explained and showed them my badge.

"Is it really over?" One of the younger girls whispered.

"It is," I covered her hand in mine as I watched the three.

All three seemed to range in age between twenty and twenty-two so they couldn't have been in this situation long I hoped...

"I'm Raven, and this is Clara," the girl who's hand I was holding said as she introduced the other petite woman with dark red hair.

"It's nice to meet you, I'm Spencer," I smiled as they returned a small smile.

"And what's your name?" I asked the woman who looked around Lydia's age with the dark grey eyes.

"Madison," she looked away when she spoke and shifted in her seat.

"Well Madison, I promise that myself or someone I work with will stay with you three until we are able to contact your families. When we get back we'll do a quick assessment of your health and get you some fresh clothes."

"Thank you," Clara murmured for them as I turned my head to make sure the guys up front were paying attention to the road. At this rate I would be able to call Lydia earlier than I expected, and I knew she would appreciate it.

When we arrived about an hour later to headquarters, I had the female nursing staff meet us to go take care of the girls. They would be able to get more information out of them than any guy would at this rate.

My team and I proceeded to return our weapons as we waited on further instructions. Not too much longer and I would be able to leave a day early it seemed, maybe I could surprise Lydia and not tell her I'm coming early?

"We're still trying to find out some information but it looks like two of the girls will be taken to their parents tonight," a doctor informed me.

"And the other girl?"

"She claims to have no living relatives that she's aware of," she sighed and glanced at the makeshift chart she had created.

"Well I could always keep her with me until we found a suitable place for her?"

"Would Lydia approve?"

"She may be able to connect with her better than others," I said and felt a twist in my stomach. She would probably be slightly hurt, but it was just part of my job to ensure those who were rescued were taken somewhere safe.

"Alright then, I'll notify Madison when she finishes up," the doctor walked away.

Grabbing my phone I pulled up Lydia's number, unsure of how she would take the news of us having a guest for a few days.

**So this is part of something I am going to unfold in the next few chapters! Don't hate anyone yet, I want to get feedback first before I do anything drastic. Did you enjoy Spencer's POV and seeing Luce and Ronnie for a brief moment?! There will be more of them later on, and I could even do T.J.'s POV too, or Tara!**

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