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As soon as I opened the door Spencer was waiting for me with a grin.

"What are you up too?" I teased him as he pulled me towards him and held me tight.

"You got home fast," he teased me back as I looked up at him with a grin.

"Maybe I wanted to spend more time with you since you got off early."

"That," he kissed my nose, "and I know you wanted to see your surprise."

I couldn't help but giggle as he led me towards the couch and made me sit down.

"Close your eyes, and don't peek," he kissed me gently before leaving.

I covered my eyes with my hands so I wouldn't cheat for his sake and bobbed my leg up and down nervously.

"Put your hands out babe," he murmured gently as I jumped from hearing him return.

I felt something awkward fill my arms as I waited with baited breath to open my eyes.

"Okay," he chuckled as I opened them and gasped.

"You got me a puppy!" I whispered and looked at it closely. "What is it?"

"It's part German Shepard and I think part Collie?" He rubbed it's furry head gently as it opened its eyes for a brief moment.

"What did you name it?"

"I haven't yet, that's for you to decide," he pushed my hair aside as I continued to gaze at the mixed dog.

"And," he kissed my cheek gently, "I saw this and figured you would like it."

I felt the metal hit my collarbone as I gazed down at the amethyst stone that laid on my skin. It was simple but beautiful at the same time.

"Spenc," I blinked back tears as he kissed me gently.

"I got the dog so you would always be protected when I'm not around," he explained gently, "and... Well the necklace was something I just happened to come across by."

"I love them," I set the sleeping puppy in my lap as I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him even deeper.

"Shall we name him?" He murmured against my lips as I looked back at the little dog.

He had the coloring of a German Shepard but the fur was longer like a collies. He was the most stunning dog I had ever seen.

"Yes," I gazed back at the dog and tried to think of names that weren't cliche.

"Charlie?" I rubbed his fur gently.

"I love that," Spencer said warmly as he pulled me closer. "Welcome to the family Charlie."

I felt a blush fall on my cheeks. I couldn't imagine ever having kids, it just seemed... Wrong I guess after everything I had gone through. But I knew Spenc wanted kids eventually, as usual he was patient with me. The same came with the whole marriage, I wouldn't let him propose yet. I needed more time to adjust to this new lifestyle and find myself.

"The twins and Derek will love to play with him."

"Oh yeah, I'll have to bring him over when he gets a little bigger."

I laid my head on his shoulder, "you'll tell me when you finish your job?"

"As always my love," he pressed his face into my hair and inhaled gently. "I'll call you at seven like always."

"Okay," I sighed, not wanting him to leave this time and knowing he wouldn't answer my questions if I asked what the situation was.

"I need to get some things together," he stood up quickly and left while I sat on the couch still cradling Charlie. Looks like he was going to become a therapy dog for me.

I kissed the top of his head and just remained fixated on the color of his fur when I heard Spencer approach.

"I can help you study tonight?" He offered quietly, unsure what I was thinking.

"Sure Spenc," I managed a small smile for him before placing Charlie on the couch and going over to hug him tightly.

"You still got me for three days," he murmured softly.

"I know," I replied and just buried my face into his chest. "Just come back as fast as possible."

"You know I do Lydia," he hugged me again, "shall I start fixing dinner? I'm sure we'll both be hungry soon."

"Okay," I brightened up at the thought of food as he chuckled.

Going to the floor, I laid my books out and began reading the material I was dreading to memorize. Stats was not easy but I knew I needed it partially for my degree.

Bobbing my foot as I laid on the floor I became "entranced" in the material and didn't realize Spencer was behind me.

I felt fingers skim my side as I screamed before giggling as he tackled me gently and just chuckled.

"I couldn't resist, you were so focused," he teased as I grabbed his wrists to keep him from tickling me.

"Not funny," I pouted as he just laughed and kissed my forehead. "Dinner is ready."

I giggled when I noticed Charlie was already looking at us when we stood up and I picked him up too.

"He's probably hungry," I added and followed Spenc to the kitchen as I got him a bowl of dog food.

We sat down to eat moments later and became engulfed in our thoughts while eating. I couldn't seem to utter anything because the food was so good and my mind wouldn't focus on anything else at this point.

"You sure you don't need help studying?" Spenc teased me once more with his eyebrows raised.

"I'll get more studying done when you're gone for work," I teased back although I was being completely serious too.

"Fine," he sighed and continued to eat. "You're something else Lydia."

"As are you babe," I giggled and felt a slight relief knowing that the previous discussion was done. It always brought me down when we discussed his work and seemed to just dampen my mood for the entire day.

"Did you want anything else?" I asked as I cleared my plate and began to get his.

"I think I'm good, unless," he pulled my wrist gently until I landed in his lap. Luckily I had put the plates on the table before he pulled me into him. "Unless you're willing to let me have you for dessert."

"Spencer!" I squealed as he just chuckled while I hopped off his lap and went to go rinse the dishes. Shaking my head I felt my entire body light up from his suggestion and my cheeks become red. This man was already my undoing without even having to do much.

"God help me," I murmured.

**So we see how their relationship is and that Spencer is still doing his job. Thoughts so far? I was going to make this a short story but it could be as long as the other karma books if I come up with a lengthy plot! Please let me know what you prefer**

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