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**Lydia's POV until specified**

Spencer looked like hell the next day. I didn't know what he had been doing that night but he hadn't gotten back into bed until around five. It was now almost noon and I had decided to just make food for everyone until we decided our plan for the day.

Madison had gotten up not too long after me and offered to help with lunch. Cooking seemed to be something we had in common. Among other things of course.

"You really put cinnamon in this?" She watched in awe as I added a pinch to the chili I was cooking.

"Yeah it makes it a little sweeter," I shrugged. "It's something my mom does."

"Oh," she scooped a bit out with a spoon she had grabbed and tasted it. "Not bad."

"See?" I smiled and changed the song on my iPod as we continued our small talk.

"Morning girls," Spencer yawned when he approached and stretched.

"Afternoon babe," I teased him as he chuckled and began making coffee.

"I was going to go into work and ask about your status Madison, but the boss told me specifically to stay home until they found out anything," he smiled apologetically.

"That's fine," she smiled and helped me with clearing the countertop.

"I think T.J. is actually going to propose tonight," I told Spenc.

"Oh? And what makes you think that?"

"He said something to Veronica and Luce."

"I see, do we have the details yet?"

"No, I'm sure we'll hear about them soon," I smiled.

Madison pretended to look occupied while we carried on our conversation. I knew it probably was awkward for her.

"Madison if you want you can join us for dinner. It's just my family getting together as my brother in law proposes to his girlfriend."

"Aww how sweet," she gushed, "are you guys engaged?"

I blushed a deep pink and avoided Spencer's gaze, unsure of how to explain.

"I'm waiting for the right time to pop the question," Spencer explained, "I met Lydia under... Unexpected circumstances. So we're still getting to know each other so to speak."

"That's sweet," she went back to helping me as I felt the guilt tear at me. I knew he wanted more than anything to claim me as his but I still wasn't ready. The pressure was always there... But some days it was worse than others.

Spencer's phone went off as he excused himself to take the call. His work was always calling it seemed but I tried not to let it bother me as long as it didn't concern him going in.

"Do you get the nightmares too?" Madison asked quietly while wiping off the countertop.

"Yes," I murmured gently. I knew she wanted to talk to someone about it... But I really didn't want to go into detail about mine.

"Do they eventually just become less frequent?"

"Yes... Although I'm not at that stage yet, so I can't say for sure when that is. But I do know it gets easier."

She smiled gratefully, "good. I just... I'm still trying to convince myself that they won't get me again you know?"

"Trust me, I know that better than most," I squeezed her shoulder.

Charlie came padding into the kitchen and plopped down in front of his water bowl.

"I always wanted a dog," she giggled as she watched him. "My parents were always cat people. I could never understand why..."

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