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Friday came by much quicker than expected and I was having to wish Spencer goodbye. I swear it never got easier.

"I promise to call you, like always," he murmured gently as I inhaled deeply, trying to remember his scent.

"I know," I simply replied and felt the cold air when he released me from his grip.

I would definitely go to my moms tonight just to stay occupied, otherwise the long thought out scenarios would invade my thinking and I would never get anything accomplished.

"I love you Lyd."

"Love you too Spenc," I kissed him one last time before he grabbed his bags and headed towards the car.

Charlie laid by my feet as we watched him drive away. I didn't move for some time as I just felt the dread enter my mind again. When would this cycle stop?

Picking up Charlie, I headed back inside and decided to go see my mom. At least she would be able to cheer me up or even my niece and nephews would.

Arriving shortly after, I dragged my backpack with me into the living room and sat down to begin reading. My mom's place was a small apartment that held a sense of the home I never really had as a child. It smelled like cinnamon and I was tempted to peek and see if she had been baking earlier.

The door unlocked awhile later as I heard voices in the entryway.

"Lydia?" My mother called out as I stood up, stretching from the position I had been in.

"Hey mom," I paused when I noticed a man behind her.

"Hey sweetheart, did Spencer leave already?"

"Yeah," I gave a sad smile while waiting for her to introduce the man behind her.

"Oh! Sorry, this is Andrew."

"It's nice to meet you Lydia," he stepped forward and shook my hand.

"Nice to meet you too," I looked at him and back at my mom. She hadn't mentioned anyone specific lately but I had a feeling there was a little bit of history between the two.

"Well I don't want to keep you from your mother-daughter time so I'll be going," he kissed my mother on the cheek before stepping out.

I felt my insides flutter at the simple gesture as my mom just smiled. So I was right.

"So... Andrew?" I raised an eyebrow as she just sighed and locked the door.

"I met him at a work meeting, and well he asked me out to dinner that night. We've been talking for a few weeks, but I'm just wanting to take it slow and all..." She shook her head, "it's always hard to find that guy you can trust with your secrets."

My heart went out to my mom because I knew what she meant. Lucinda and I were lucky to have two people who understood better than anyone else. I only hoped that my mom would find the same one day.

"Well I approve, I'm sure you just have to worry about Lucy accepting him than anything else," I teased.

"Your sister does not hate all men," she teased me back. "Just most of them."

"Most being all except her sons and Spencer," I replied and ignored the lingering pain from saying his name.

"If you're done with studying we could do something? Unless you need to get back to it for now?"

"We can do something. Did I tell you Spencer got me a dog!" I screamed and showed her the photos of Charlie.

"How cute! Natalia and Ryan will love him."

"Mhm, I'll have to head back soon only because he is so little and can't be alone for long."

"That's fine dear, while you're here we can do something."

And by doing something we ended up on her couch eating ice-cream and criticizing the actors on television.

"How could you be so stupid, she's lying to you," my mom chided the young man on the Bachelor.

"Mom they're all lying," I rolled my eyes.

"It's sad what people will do for their moment of fame and money."

"Yeah," I stood and put the bowls up before glancing at the clock. "Well I need to head back and let Charlie out."

"I'll see you later sweetheart," she hugged me tightly.

"Goodnight mom," I left her apartment feeling much better and ready to see my puppy.

After letting him out and making sure the door was locked, I headed upstairs and placed Charlie on the bed with me.

"There," I smiled as he curled up in a ball and just watched me move around.

My phone went off as I saw Sam texted me.
'Hey Lydia, I told Veronica that T.J. and I would watch the kids! Feel free to stop by if you want'

'Great! Thanks Sam.' I replied and set my phone back down before climbing into bed.

I grabbed it again to send Spencer a goodnight text before setting it down once more and closing my eyes.

"Lydia?" A voice said on the other line.

"Yes? Who's calling?"

"This is Darius, I work with Spencer," he said as I noticed the off tone.

"What's this about?" I frowned and looked down at the book I had been reading.

"There's been some complications on this mission..."

"Complications like?" I felt my heart drop as my hands fell to my lap.

"The mission was compromised, we didn't see it coming until it was too late. I'm sorry Lydia."

"What are you talking about? Where's Spencer?"

"Spencer was shot Lydia, he died on impact," the line was quiet as I felt my heart shatter.

"He... No he couldn't have," I fought the tears as I tried to listen to the rest of the conversation.

"He said that he would find a way to provide for you and the baby if this ever happened," the man began as I gasped.

"What baby?" I asked and looked down to see my swollen belly. I was pregnant!

"He would've wanted you to be strong," the voice ended as I dropped the phone.

I shot up holding back a scream as I turned the light on to make sure I was awake. Climbing out of my bed, I went to the bathroom to make sure I wasn't pregnant... There was no way.

"What the fuck," I breathed as I splashed water onto my face and reassured myself that I was fine. I was definitely not pregnant either.

"What the fuck," I whispered again as I climbed back into the empty bed and stroked Charlie's fur to calm my fears.

'Please be careful, I love you.' I texted Spencer as I tried to let sleep come over me again. This was getting ridiculous.

My phone beeped moments later as my heart lurched, only he would message me in the middle of the night.

'Always am my love. Don't let the nightmares get to you, I'm safe. Love you baby, get some sleep.'

I reread the text over and over before sighing and trying to calm my breathing back down. Everything was okay, for now. I just had to make it through until Monday morning.

**Okay be happy I updated! This wasn't planned but I'm stressed from school and needed a distraction. Hope to get some feedback and can't wait to throw in the drama for this story when we get there! It will be a long story now I've decided if I plan it out well enough, so yay! How many of y'all love Spencer? I know I do! He's such a gentleman.**

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