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**Lydia's POV**

There were no clouds to be seen when we landed and got into a vehicle that would take us to whatever safe house we were meeting at. No one had been able to pull up anything else in the meantime since we had been airborne for so long. That alone made me nervous for the fact that if something had happened we wouldn't have known right then and there. As of right now our only guess was that he was right along the border of the two countries so we were heading to a small town that would help us gather more information. That's what his men were hoping at least.

I had become numb to the fact that this mission wasn't going as planned and that no one seemed to have any idea of his whereabouts. Maybe this was just how all the missions were ran and Spencer had just been stretching the truth when he found the women... but that was harder to believe than the fact that he was gone and we had no idea what to do. The whole speculation that he was somewhere along the border of Brazil and Peru just made me even more wary. How had we not narrowed it down any further! What if he wasn't even in South America?

"We'll try locating his tracking device once we set up at the safe house. We'll be able to find information there quicker and determine his location."

I knew that was supposed to be comforting but honestly it just made everything that much more terrifying. There was no telling what we could find out once getting there.

Luce placed her hand on my knee and squeezed it gently. "We'll get there Lyd."

"I feel like we're going two miles an hour." I whispered so the driver couldn't hear me.

"I know, but we'll get him out." There really wasn't anything else she could've said that would make me feel any better. Just her and Veronica being here with me was more than enough and for that I was eternal grateful.

Another fifteen minutes later and we were finally pulling up to the shack-like looking house. I couldn't imagine what would be inside that could hold technology but then again this job itself was deceiving and full of surprises.

Once entering there was the smell of soup that had just been cooked previously and multiple screens were seen in the corner of the room. It wasn't a big area but it held enough space for what was needed.

"This is a safe house?" Veronica asked as we looked around.

"Well... safe house isn't the right word. This is more of a temporary headquarters for us to track the whereabouts of those along the border."

Jack placed a USB type device next to a computer as another guy loaded it and waited for something to pop up. Hopefully this would reveal Spencer's whereabouts.

"What if they took his device?"

"He had more than one. One was very far within his ear so there's no way they would've caught it unless a doctor had known to check that far. Most likely he was able to keep at least one of the tracking devices."

The screen popped up like on an airplane with the circles branching out and dots filling up in a random order. I wasn't too sure what we were looking at because if he was the only one with a tracking device why were there hundreds of dots?

"Type in five, four, six, nine, two."

The guy working the computers entered in the digits as the dots slowly faded away and focused in on one. That had to be his ID or something, funny he had never mentioned it to me before.

"Okay, now click here," Jack pointed at something as multiple paths were drawn out around the blinking yellow dot.

"What does this mean?"

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