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**Just assume it's Lydia's POV unless I specify otherwise**

When I arrived at Lucy's house, I immediately hugged her after she had opened the door.

"Hey sis," she smiled and let me inside without a trace of worry on her face. I knew she had to be concerned but you wouldn't know unless she said anything.

"Hey," I looked around the room, "where are Veronica and the kids?"

"The kids are at school, and Derek is at daycare. He'll get picked up later by Veronica."

"Oh." I had forgotten the twins were in school half the time and that their little brother was in the terrible two stage. He wasn't as bad as the twins were I was assuming but he was still a handful.

"What's wrong Lydia?" Lucy looked at me again.

"These nightmares... They just don't seem to go away. And I know it's bothering Spencer as much as it bothers me..." I ran my hands through my hair nervously.

"They do go away after time," she reassured me and tapped her finger on the table. "Trust me, I couldn't always be in the same room with Veronica because she didn't know at first. Spencer understands more than anyone else would if you were with them Lyd, just give him time."

"When do they go away though? I feel like I'm having to watch my back everywhere I go. I mean I know he's dead... But don't you ever worry that someone else will come back?"

She sighed heavily, "yes... But I try not to think too much about them. It gets easier," she tried to explain to me.

"Okay, sorry," I gave her a sympathetic smile. "It just makes me feel weak at times to know I'm nearly twenty-four and I have nightmares."

"Trust me I understand. I'm sure if you were to ask mom she would tell you the same or even Spencer... He has probably had nightmares about it too..."

"You think?" I frowned. The idea had never occurred to me that he would have fears about it either.

"Mhm," she didn't elaborate on the subject which I guess meant I would have to find out for myself.

"Thanks again Luce," I hugged her before grabbing my things.

"You can stay longer sis."

"I have to turn in some assignments today for classes."

"Alright, come by later this week then," she teased, "I feel like I never see you anymore."

"You'll have to talk to Spenc about that," I winked before heading back to my car.

It was true he had taken up most of my time outside of my schooling. I had completed nearly half of my undergraduate degree for engineering but still had a way to go. Interior design just never fit when I had gone to look into that originally... I was too smart for my own good and preferred solving equations. Guess I got that from mom.

Driving over to the campus I turned on the radio and just bobbed my head along to the oldies station while thinking about my plans for this evening. I would have to finish some more homework... But I wouldn't be able to do that with Spencer around, the man was too distracting.

"Call mom," I said into my phone as it pulled up her number and I connected my phone to my car's Bluetooth.


"Hey mom," I chirped happily.

"Hey baby, what's up?"

"Sorry, I know you're at work. I was just wondering if I could study at your place tonight, unless you had plans or something."

"That's fine love, come over whenever. You have a key for a reason," she teased.

"Right, thank you!" I ended the call before parking my car and going to turn in my assignments.

The campus was pretty big that I had been attending. Most of the students were out of classes for the day so I wouldn't have a problem dropping my things off quickly.

Walking into the engineering building, I knocked on my Professor's door and waited patiently.

"Come in," he called.

"Professor Harris," I greeted him as he smiled.

"Hello Lydia, I see you have quite a bit in your hands."

"Yes, your class and Professor Treitler keep me on my toes."

"Well I'm glad to hear I'm not the only hardass," he chuckled as I handed him the papers. "Thank you my dear, I will see you Thursday."

"Yes Sir," I walked out relieved I had one thing done and walked upstairs to drop off the rest.

My professor ended up not being in her room, so I went next door and gave it to her secretary who assured me it would be dropped off.

As I walked back out to my car my phone began ringing.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey love, where are you?" Spencer's voice sounded, giving me butterflies in my stomach.

"Dropping off assignments, why?" I unlocked my car.

"Just curious, I got off work early."

"Great! I'll be home in about fifteen minutes."

"Okay sweetheart, I'll need to talk to you about this weekend as well..."

I frowned, already knowing the reason, "you're going out of town aren't you?"

"Sorry love, it's part of my job," he sighed heavily.

"No, it's okay Spenc. It's for a good reason," I started my car up as I waited.

"I'll be back Monday morning baby, I leave Friday."

"Okay, so three days together isn't bad. I have some studying to do anyways," I tried to remain optimistic.

His missions always worried me, I knew he was careful every time and that it was necessary for him to save the other women who had been in my predicament... But I just wanted time to him myself. Couldn't they find someone else to take his job? Yes that was selfish but could you blame me?

"I'll make it up to you Lydia," he reassured me. "When you get home I have a surprise."

I couldn't help the grin that spread across my face, "do I get a hint this time?"

"Nope, you'll just have to wait until you get home."

"Then I'll be home in five minutes instead of fifteen," I teased him before hanging up and pulling out of my parking spot.

Changing the station, I heard Bon Jovi's Dead or Alive come on as I jammed out to it without a care in the world.

**I'll work on getting more than 1,000 words in each chapter. Obviously a filler to an extent, what do you think the surprise is for her? Are we excited about this story!!?! Also Lydia will mainly call Lucinda "Lucy" because that's what she is used too, but it may change further on as the story progresses. Felt like I should update since I've made you wait so long for this to come out!**

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