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**There's going to be a few POV changes in this chapter so just keep an eye out for that!**

**Lucinda's POV**

I was awake before everyone the next morning as I prepared a pot of coffee. Might as well get some things done before I had to slip into the mom role. Derek would be awake within the next hour or so, meaning I needed to get whatever it was done immediately.

Pulling the dishes from the washer, I began to stack them and hummed along to a tune while the coffee continued to heat up. My thoughts drifted back to last night seeing Sam and T.J. become engaged. When would Lydia allow Spencer to do the same for her? She had to know that that was what he ultimately wanted with her. It was the only thing he had wanted to do since meeting her. I knew there were still some insecurities of hers that were getting in the way but hopefully soon they would blow over like mine had.

Meeting Andrew last night had also been a nice change of pace. Seeing my mom happy and carefree with a man was something I had never actually seen before. That's just what happens when you live your whole life in fear. But it was reassuring to me knowing that my family was learning to bounce back from it all.

"Morning love," Veronica's voice whispered.

"Good morning," I turned around to give her a kiss.

She smiled and opened the fridge to begin assembling breakfast for the twins. All part of our daily routine.

"Sleep well?" She asked me gently.

"Yes, and I think Lydia did too, otherwise I would've heard her."

"Yeah," she sighed and began to whisk the eggs in a bowl, "I'm glad to know she can sleep through the night over here."

Pouring two cups of coffee, I held one up to my lips and sipped it in silence. It was rare for both of us to have the day off, and I honestly couldn't believe my luck.

"Do the kids have to go anywhere today?"

"Not that I know of," Veronica trailed, "maybe Lydia could babysit them later tonight so you and I can have some time to ourselves."

"I'll ask her," I grinned and felt my insides flutter at the thought of being alone with Veronica for even just two hours.

Derek's voice began to wail down the hall as I set my coffee down and sighed. "Coming my love."

When I walked in, he was standing up in his crib just pouting. I knew eventually we would have to get him a toddler bed but we still had some time.

"What's wrong?" I cooed as he held his hands out for me to grab him.

"Come here, you can watch mommy and I in the kitchen," I kissed his forehead as we headed back.

"Ball!" He cried out as I just giggled, "no baby it's time to eat. Then we can play with your toys."

Derek's eyes lit up when he saw his brother and sister come running down the hall into the kitchen.

"Ryan! Nat!" He cried out as they waved and continued running.

"Out of the kitchen guys," Veronica murmured as they crept over to the table.

"Sorry mom," Ryan sighed and helped me put Derek into his seat.

"Natalia, do you know if Aunt Lydia is still asleep?"

"I think she was on the phone. Her light was on in her bedroom," she shrugged.

"Thanks baby girl," I kissed her hair before making my way to go check on Lydia.

**Spencer's POV**

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