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**Spencer's POV**

When I came to, I realized I was no longer in the house. The car was moving at an incredible speed and my body was being bumped along with every turn.

Where was I? What happened to my men?

I tried to recall the last few moments before I was knocked out but nothing rang a bell. Why couldn't I remember anything?

"Okay," I breathed deeply and tried to calm myself down. Things would be okay, this sometimes happened in the job and we were prepared for it. I just needed to remain calm and figure out what I could remember.

It seemed that I was in the trunk of a car, given the small space and the lack of air. I had my hands tied as well as my legs, which didn't surprise me. With my luck they had probably taken all of my weapons off of my body.

"Think Spencer, where are your other men?" I racked my brain for a few moments before I heard a feminine voice from inside the car.

"Good girl Maddie, we're so proud of the performance you put on."


I felt my blood run cold as the events came crashing back through my mind. It couldn't be. How did we miss that? My company prided itself in being able to unearth every single minute detail on operations like this.

My gut began to twist as I realized if this was the only car then my men had been killed before they could get me out. This also meant no one knew where I was going now as they would only know the last whereabouts. Depending upon how long we had been driving as well meant that they would not be able to get to me in time without something to go off of.

Lydia, my mind raced as I finally remembered that she was still waiting for me to call her about this... she wouldn't be hearing from me anytime soon... hopefully someone had been able to figure something out and at least inform her or Lucinda of the situation.

"This can't be happening," I breathed and tried to shimmy my way along the side of the trunk to see if I could break the ties with something sharp.

There was nothing in the trunk that would give me the leverage needed to surprise my captors. I refused to think of what may happen to me as I wasn't one hundred percent sure why they had planned this. If all they did was plan on killing me, it wouldn't have made any sense to capture me and take me elsewhere...

'Don't go there Spencer,' I told myself and tried to fight off the shiver that racked my body. If my gut was right, as soon as I was taken from the car my worst nightmare would begin.

**Lydia's POV**

I was just laying Derek down to sleep when I heard the front door unlock. Guess the movie had ended earlier than expected?

I walked back downstairs and saw that Veronica was taking the twins into the other room. What was going on?

"Lucinda?" My voice wavered as she sat at the table, her hands shaking.

"Sit down Lydia, I need to tell you something."

I didn't feel my legs move as I went over to the chair and sat down quietly. She wouldn't look me in the eye as her finger trailed a few patterns along the wooden table.

"I got a phone call from someone in Spencer's department."

"Saying?" I whispered, knowing my worst nightmare was about to be confirmed.

"There was a complication in the mission. That bitch," Lucinda shook her head in anger, "the woman who stayed with you? She's behind this."

"What did she do?" I felt tears fall quickly not wanting to hear the word dead roll off her tongue.

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