Q and A part (2)

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Okay before I finally go I just want to take the the time to complete another Q and A that I was tagged in by my best friend princessbobo...

Here are her questions and my answers...

What is your favorite colour?

My favourite colour is baby blue.🔵

If you had to choose a country to go to in the world, where would you go?


Have you any cringe moment, if you do what are they?

I have a few actually...
-When people sneeze with out covering their mouths.
-Obnoxious chewers.
-When people gnash their teeth together (it makes me cringe to even think about it).

Approximately how long do you spend on Wattpad a day?

Wattpad is possibly one of my most used app. I spend roughly around three to four hours a day either reading books or typing stories 📚

What is your greatest strength or weakness?

I wouldn't really say I have a 'greatest' strength but I think that personally I am a very tactful person, that to me would be my greatest strength 😃
My weakness would have to be talking to boys, like I legitimately can't, especially to the ones I like. *cries* 😢

What type of music do you listen to?

Traditional... Just kidding, I love pop music, rap, and anything that makes me want to get up and dance. But slow music just make me want to sleep 🎤🎵🎶🎧

What is the longest you've gone without sleep?

To be honest, I haven't a clue 😇

What is your favourite word and least favorite word?

My favorite word is Love and my least favorite word is moist.

What do you think is the most useless class in high school?

Two letters... P.E

Do you have a TV show you secretly enjoy?

I don't really watch television but when I do I like to watch The Secret Life Of The American Teenager.

Honestly are you good at singing? And on a scale of one to ten how good are you?

Okay, imagine a dog with a sore throat, that drank a cup of shattered glass pieces and is trying to sing after it all. Well there you have it, a detailed description of my amazing voice.
Definitely 10/10.


Now here are my questions:

1. Who is your favourite YouTuber?

2. Have you ever broken a bone in your body?

3. What is your favorite book on Wattpad?

4. Would you rather have the ability to be invisible or have the ability to fly?

5.What was the most embarrassing thing you have ever done?

6. What is your favourite movie?

7. Who is your celebrity crush?

8. What would be your ideal boy/girl?

9. Have you ever eaten anything weird and what was it?

10. Which celebrity would you like to look like?

11. If you could bring any famous person back to life, who would it be?

12. What is your talent?

13. Have you ever been on a plane?

I have tagged a few of the amazing people here on Wattpad, please don't be afraid to tag me back and if you want to take any questions, go ahead :)


If I haven't tagged you but you would like to do these questions then please feel free to do them and don't forget to tag me so I know.😋

Once again a big thank you to princessbobo x.


Angel x

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