Chapter 3

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Josh's P.O.V.

The second I got to my hotel room, I called Emily. She picked up after 2 rings.

"Josh?" she said.

I smiled at the sound of her voice. "Hey Emily."

"Hey!" she said back.

"So I was wondering, where are you gonna be during the show tomorrow? Do you know where you're standing and stuff?"

"No idea. My mom's friend Jacob is letting me in before everyone else, so I pretty much get to be where ever I want."

"Well aren't you lucky!" I chuckled.

"Oh, I know." she giggled. "What stage are you guys performing on?"

"The left stage. Do you think you can get a good spot there?"

"I'll try! Anyway, I should get some sleep. See you tomorrow Josh!"

"Goodnight Emily." I smiled again and hung up the phone.

I tried to get some sleep as well, but my insomnia kicked in as it always does and I finally got to sleep at around 4...

*The next day (Sunday, the day of the MMVAs)*

Emily's P.O.V.

I woke up at noon, as I usually do on days that I don't have school. I never get enough sleep though. I have insomnia and it keeps me up until about 5 in the morning. So I sleep in.

I was super excited. I got out of bed and got ready. I put on my bleached ripped skinny jeans with my black converse and a long, loose, white tank top that said 'Love More" on it with a black peace sign in the middle. I brushed my hair and straightened it. Then, I put on my makeup. Black eye liner, smokey eye shadow, foundation and all that other face stuff, mascara, and I used my bronzer lightly for blush. Not gonna lie, I looked pretty good. I really took my time with my look today, just in case I see Josh. I knew I wouldn't, but you know, just in case.

I texted Jess and she said she was on her way over. By this time it was 1:45 ish. The show started at 5 and we had to be there by 3.

Josh's P.O.V. 

I had been up, literally since balls am. I didn't even know what time it was. It was pretty fuckin early I'll tell you that. I needed to go through sound check and reherse and all this other fun stuff that I just love to do at 6 in the morning. The only thing that got me through it all was knowing that I might get to see Emily again today. I smiled at the thought as I grabbed a coke zero from a mini fridge. After all the horrible morning shenanigans, I checked my phone. I frowned at the sight of no texts or calls from Emily. The time read 2:30. I started to get ready for the red carpet entrance that we had planned and I decided to text Emily.

Emily's P.O.V.

As soon as Jess got here, we left. When we got downtown, we just shopped around and talked for a while. Josh had texted me at about 2:30. He just said Hey and we started talking about the show. We walked back to MuchMusic at around 2:45 and got there just on time. I texted my mom to tell her that we were ok. We found Jacob and I asked him what stage Marianas Trench was going to be performing on, just to make sure. He said the left stage and we went and stood right in the front row and waited.

"Marianas Trench? I didn't even think you knew them!" Jess said. She was a big fan of them.

"I met them yesterday with my mom. They seem really sweet! Especially Josh..." I blushed.

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