Chapter 9

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Josh's P.O.V.

I drove up to the MuchMusic station where I first saw Emily. It was pouring rain. She was curled up on the sidewalk in tears. I parked my car, ran over to her and held her.

"Josh..." she looked up at me and gave me a weak smile. I smiled back and she rested her head on my chest.

"What's wrong, love?"

"I couldn't take my mom being so over protective. I left my house."

"You ran away?!"

She nodded as the tears started forming again. Oh no... This was all my fault. Her parents will hate me even more now.

Emily's P.O.V.

(Way before Josh arrived)I sat there listening to my music and crying when it started to pour rain. I still sat there. I heard the doors of the building open and someone coming out.

"Emily?" said a familiar voice. I looked up. It was Phoebe Dykstra. She was really close with my mom.

"Hey Phoebe." I tried to hold back my tears.

"Why are you out here in the pouring rain??"

I had to think of something. Fast. "I'm meeting a friend here. We're having a sleepover tonight." Ok, so that wasn't a complete lie.

"Well I guess that would explain the suitcase. You should wait inside Starbucks or something! You'll get sick out here!"

"I'm fine. Really. Why were you here so late?" it was already 9:00.

"I was just finishing up rehersing for the next show. I have to go home now though. Are you sure you're ok?"

"Yeah." I fake smiled.

She smiled back and walked away. I decided not to listen to music anymore. I didn't want my headphones to get wrecked in the rain. The sun set and I was still waiting there for Josh.

I thought about everything. My mom... Josh... I hated that he lived so far away. I hated that my mom was way too protective. I hated school. I hated everything. The tears came back. I sat there thinking and crying for what seemed like forever in the freezing, pouring rain.

All of a sudden, I felt warm arms around me.

"Josh..." I looked up into his beautiful blue eyes and tried to give him a smile. He smiled back and I rested my head on his chest.

Josh's P.O.V.

We just sat there for about 10 minutes with her head on my chest and my arms wrapped around her.

"I should get you back home." I finally spoke.

"No. I'm not going back. Can we just, please have tonight? I can call Jess and tell her to call my mom to tell her I'm over there."

I thought for a while about it. "Call Jess. Let's just see what she says ok?"

She pulled out her phone and dialed Jess's number.

"Hey Jess. Can you call my mom and tell her I'm at your house?...Yeah I'm with him now....No Matt's not here....Yeah....Yeah I know...Ok...Let me know what she says...Thanks so much....Bye."

"She's gonna call my mom."

"Perfect. Where do you want to go?"

"Anywhere. Just as long as I'm with you." she smiled.

I grabbed her hand and led her to the car. We drove off to a hotel. It was nice, but nothing special. We walked in and got a room. When we put all of our stuff there, she flopped down on the bed.

Nobody Will Break You (A Josh Ramsay/Marianas Trench Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now