Chapter 8

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Josh's P.O.V.

I dragged myself out of bed after yet another sleepless night. I had been lying in bed all night awake. Just thinking. Worrying. What if Amanda tried to hurt Emily? No, she couldn't. She doesn't even know about her yet. I thought about if me and Emily were gonna go public or not. I guess it would be safer for Emily if people didn't know. Just for now...

I got dressed and fixed my hair, got in my car, and drove to my parent's house. I knocked on the door and my mom opened it, squealed, and pulled me in for a bone crushing hug.

"Hey mom." I smiled.

"Joshua! Come in, come in!"

"Mom! You know I hate it when you call me that!" I laughed as I walked in. My dad came in to say hello.

"Josh! How are you son?" he hugged me.

"I'm good dad. Nice to see you. Are you guys both doing ok?" I asked them.

"We're fine. We missed you like crazy! Oh by the way I made lunch! Also, your sister is upstairs." my mom scurried back into the kitchen.

"SARA! I'M HOME!" I yelled. I heard footsteps come down the upstairs hall and down the stairs.

"Hey bro." my sister laughed as she gave me a big hug.

"Hey sis." I hugged her back. "How's the husband?"

"He's good! He's at home doing some work or something, so it's just the good ol' Ramsay family tonight!" she smiled.

"Re-united at last!" I chuckled. "It's really so great to see you guys. I missed you so much! Also, I have news."

My dad and my sister looked at me, confused.

"Well we can talk about it over lunch." my dad said as we walked into the dining room. My mom served up the meal and we sat down.

"So Josh, what's this big news?" my dad asked.

"Oh! Right. Well, I have a new girlfriend!" I blushed. My whole family looked at me in relief.

"Finally! I hated that Amanda chick." Sara stated. My parents both shot her a look.

"Sorry! But seriously! You guys hated her too didn't you? You told me you did!" she continued. I was quietly laughing.

"Ok. Honey, we'll be honest." my mom gave me a sympathetic look. "We knew from the start that Amanda wasn't right for you. You made a good choice."

"Well actually, mom, I didn't choose it. She cheated on me."

"WHAT? I KNEW IT!" Sara smirked.

"Anyway, that isn't important. I have this new girlfriend, Emily. She's amazing. I think you guys would really like her." I couldn't wipe the grin off my face. That happened time I thought about her.

"I'm sure we would! We want to meet this girl!" My dad said.

"Well I was thinking that I could fly you guys out to my next show in Toronto? Thats where she lives. You could meet her there."

"We'd love to do that! When is it?" my mom questioned.

"I'll let you know when I find out. Hopefully it'll be soon." I replied. We ate the rest of our lunch and Sara and I went back to our houses. I got home and checked my phone. No calls or texts. I threw it on my bed and picked up my guitar. I didn't know what to do. I hadn't been home in ages. I wasnt used to it. No one was telling me what to do, and I didn't have a strict schedule where I had to be in a certain place at a certain time. It was kinda nice. Having freedom like that. I just hung out at home for the rest of the day and relaxed.

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