Chapter 5

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Emily's P.O.V.

Josh suddenly lifted my head up and kissed me! I was nervous at first. I didn't know if he was just using me to get back at his girlfriend. But I forgot about it and kissed him back. The world slowly dissappeared and it seemed as if it were only me and him. Oh, did I mention that Josh was 6'2"? Yeah. It was a bit awkward. He was a foot and an inch taller than me! Oh well. It still somehow worked, and it was magical.

Josh's P.O.V.

I felt fireworks going off. I know, cliché. Whatever. It was true. At that moment, I realized that I didn't love Amanda anymore, and I was indeed, falling in love with Emily. I had to bend down quite a bit. She was short, but I liked it. It was cute.

She pulled away after what seemed like a long time, but not long enough.

"Josh... we can't do this." she looked at me with her big beautiful green eyes.

"Emily, I swear. I'm done with her. She cheated on me. Trust me. I would never break your heart." I said, trying to re-assure her. She gave me a worried look.

"Ok." she finally said, and we kept walking down the shore.

"So tell me a bit about yourself. It's weird when you think about it. I barely even know you!" I said.

"Well what would you like to know?" she smiled. I thought for a second. "Ask me something about me. Anything." she continued.

"Well alright. Dogs or cats?" I asked.

"Cats all the way!"

"GOOD. I like you that much more now." I chuckled.

"Oh do you wouldn't like me if I liked dogs?" she said, giving me a sassy look.

"Pshh, of course I would still like you! I have a dog too you know." I said.

"You do? Thats so cool! Whats it's name?"

"Her name is Bennie." I said, remembering that I haven't seen my pets in ages.

"Adorable name. Ok ask me more questions." she said with a smile.

"Hmm... favourite scary movie?" I asked.

"The Woman In Black. It's so scary! It startles me so much!" she laughed.

"Thats cute." i smiled. Wait... did I just say that out loud? Oh no... She gave me a confused, but warm smile. Well that was awkward...

"Um, I mean like, we should watch it together sometime!" I tried to redeem myself.

"Yeah that sounds fun. I love horror movies." she said.

"Well maybe you can hold me when I get scared!" I laughed.

"Isn't that supposed to be the guy's job?" she giggled.

"Well you love horror movies. You won't get scared! Hold me." I said.

She laughed. "Ok fine. We'll hold eachother."

"I like that compromise." I smiled at her and grabbed her hand.

Matt's P.O.V.

I looked at the number that Josh texted to me. I really hope this is right. He's such a douchebag. Knowing him, he probably gave me a bullshit number. Oh well, it's worth a try. I pressed the number on my phone and it started ringing.

"Hello?" I heard a female voice say after 3 rings.

"J-Jessica?" I stuttered.

"Um, yeah thats me!" she said.

Nobody Will Break You (A Josh Ramsay/Marianas Trench Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now