Chapter 11

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A/N: Ok, so I know the last chapter was short but this chapter will be worth it. I hope ;)

Also, I attached Remembering Sunday by All Time Low just because it came on my shuffle when I was writing this chapter and it made me cry. Listen to it on repeat while you're reading it. Seriously. You'll cry. I really hope you like it!



Emily's P.O.V.

I was sitting on Josh's bed, waiting for him to get back, when I heard someone come up the stairs. I heard them come down the hall and open the door. It wasn't Josh. I was a woman. She was pretty, I guess. She had tall and she had brownish hair.

"You little bitch!" she whispered. I looked at her, confused.

She walked over to me and grabbed my wrist. I struggled and tried to make her let me go but it was no use. She took out a knife and grabbed my hair. I let out a scream.

"Shut up!" she quietly yelled as she put the knife up to my neck.

I heard Josh come up the stairs and into the room.

Josh's P.O.V.

I walked into my room and froze in shock.

"Amanda?! What the fuck are you doing here?!"

"Hey Joshie! I found out about this little whore you've been dating."

"Get away from her." I said between my teeth.

"Make me!"

Without thinking, I pounced on her and tried to grab her knife. I failed and she cut deep into my arm. I screamed out in pain.

I turned to Emily and looked into her eyes. "Emily.... Run."

"Josh... I can't-"

I cut her off. "Run."

She quickly kissed my lips and ran passed Amanda and downstairs.

"Awww, how sweet! She thinks she can actually get away!"

I looked at her confused. Then I heard a huge smash downstairs.

Emily's P.O.V.

"Emily... Run." Josh looked into my eyes.

"Josh... I can't-"

He cut me off. "Run." 

I quickly kissed him just once for luck and ran downstairs, tears streaming down my face.

Suddenly, I saw a man. I didn't recognize him. He ran over to me and grabbed me. I saw him holding what looked to be a vase. It came smashing down on my head and everything went black....

Josh's P.O.V.

"Emily!" I yelled as I ran out the bedroom door, pushing Amanda out of my way. It was too late. She was on the ground, unconcious. I looked around and saw someone run out of the house. I didn't see their face. I turned back to Emily.

"Baby, please wake up..." I frantically tried to make her wake up. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket, dialed 911, and gave them the information they needed.

Amanda came back downstairs.

"You fucking bitch!" I yelled as she walked over to me.

"That's not very nice. I thought you loved me!" she pouted.

Nobody Will Break You (A Josh Ramsay/Marianas Trench Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now