Chapter 16

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Emily's P.O.V.

I just woke up to Josh starring at me. What was going on? This guy says he's my boyfriend... I just dont get it. How could a guy like me end up with a guy like him? He did have really nice eyes though... and his smile....

Wait. Was i starring? Oh my god. I was. He was inches away from my face. I quickly looked away, but I realized that he was waiting for me to say something. I was still really confused.

"Hi..." I awkwardly half smiled.

"How are you feeling?" he frantically asked.

"I'm fine."

My parents were just standing there starring at me. I guess they were hoping I remembered.

I didnt.

"Honey..." my mom came up beside me. "You leave the hospital today. You're going to stay with Josh for a bit. Is that ok?"

Josh's P.O.V.

I looked at Emily's mom in shock. Wait, did she just say that Emily was moving back in with me?

"Yeah. Yeah I guess so..." Emily said tiredly as a huge smile came across my face.


The car ride was silent, and consisted just of me driving through the rain and Emily starring out the window. She hadn't even smiled once since she woke up.

Emily's P.O.V.

Josh opened the car door for me and I stopped when I looked at his house. It kind of almost looked familiar in a way. Like it ws from a dream or something. I couldn't put my finger on it.

I went in the front door and put my only bag down. I'm guessing all my other stuff was already here? This was weird. I looked around and noticed a few things. One, My favourite sweater was on the couch. I was extremely confused by this. I thought for sure I had left that sweater on my bed back home. Well, I guess this was my home. Actually, it is. This is where I live now. I looked around some more and noticed a dent in the wall and a little bit of what looked like blood stained into it. I frowned, knowing it was from the accident, and looked around some more. I noticed my parents suitcases by the edge of the stairs. I looked at Josh.

"They were staying with me while you got better. I think they're staying in a hotel tonight and going back to Toronto tomorrow." he walked closer to me but I took a step back.

"Emily, I know you're scared. I am too. But you've barely said a word to me all day. It's driving me crazy. I need to hear your voice again..." Josh trailed off.

I hesitated for a moment, took a breath, and finally got some words out. "I-I-I Um... I don't know what to day..." I stuttered. There was silence, and then I came to the realization that I didnt really know how much of my life I actually remembered, and all of that was wasted. I made an astonished face.

"Um... Josh?" I felt like i was going to pass out.

He came running over to me and held me up.

"No. I'm fine." I said, wiggling out of his grasp. "I just need some sleep."

Josh nodded and tried to help me up the stairs but i told him I'd be fine and that I just wanted him to tell me where my room was. He did, and I slowly climbed the stairs.

There was something about this room. It was strange. It seemed so familliar. So fake, yet so real at the same time. That was too much for me for one day. I looked at the clock. It was only 3:00 PM. Whatever. I crawled into bed and fell asleep right away.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2013 ⏰

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