Listen to the Rain

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Listen to the rain. It sings. It whispers.

Listen to the rain. It heals. It covers.

I lay in the grass. Thinking. Wondering. The rain falling, splashing on my cold pail skin. Splashing on my hair. Dancing on my dress.

It's falling all around me. Covering me. Protecting me. My body. My heart. My soul.

Healing the wounds. Covering the scars.

I close my eyes and feel it's cold touch. Drop by drop. Sinking in my skin.

I listen to it fall. I listen to it whisper. I listen to it sing. I listen to the wind. Blowing screeching. Screaming. Pounding the rain against my body. Against the grass. I listen to the thunder roll. Roar. Growl. I listen to the lightning crack and slash the dark sky.

I'm thinking. Wondering. Hoping. Hurting.

I'm thinking about you. Wondering about you. Hoping for you. Hurting for you.

I miss you. I need you.

The pain is unbearable. I can't stand to be away from you. I can't stand not feeling your touch. I can't stand not hearing your voice.

So I lay in the grass. I listen to the rain sing. I listen to it whisper.

I let it heal me. I let it cover me. I let it cover the scars.

I listen to the rain. It hides my tears. Washes them away. The wind carries away my worries. My doubts. The thunder hides my cries. My sobs.

But the lightning brings you. Brings images of you. Brings memories of you.

I can't help but smile. I hold you dream catcher and tags tight against my chest. I hold our picture.

Another crash, another strike. I get you for one more night.

The sky gets darker and darker. More and more memories of you flash through my mind.

The rain grows harder, the lightning grows longer.

In the grass I lay, smiling soaked. Clutching our picture. Clutching your tags. Clutching your dream catcher. The last memories with you.

I will meet you again. I will see you again. I will be in your arms again.

We will make it.

The wind dies down and the rain slows. The thunder stops, so does the lightning show. My show of you is over.

Sad once again I lay in the grass. Listening to the rain sing. Listen to the rain whisper.

I look at our picture. A tear escapes my eye.

I miss you. I wish I could be in our arms again. I wish you could hold me. I miss being with you. I miss hearing you.

Another tear added to my growing fear. My growing sadness.

Another tear for you. I miss you. I need you.

Without you I feel bare. No love. No warmth. I wish you could stay I know you would if you could. I know you didn't leave willingly.

So I hold our picture, I look at it every night. I wear your tags every day, there's not a place I go without them. I always wear your dream catcher. It takes most of the dreams away.

My tears always fall. They never stay put.

My heart always aches. It's still alive, it still feels your love, but it misses you. Misses your words. Your touch.

I can't wait to see you again. Even if it's only for a second, I will treasure it. Listening to the rain. Clutching your dream catcher. Clutching our picture. Clutching your tags. Holding them tight against my chest. Holding on to hope.

I wonder if you miss me.

I wonder if you need me.

I wonder if you cry.

I wonder if your heart aches.

I wonder if you dream about me.

I wonder if you wonder about me.

I wonder if you hope for me. I wonder if you hurt for me.

I'm sure you do. I can feel it. I can feel you. I can hear your thoughts. I can see your dreams.

I miss you.

I need you.

I cry.

My heart aches.

I dream about you.

I wonder about you.

I hope for you.

I hurt for you.

I listen to the rain. I've memorized it's dark song. I clutch our picture. I wear your tags, your dream catcher. I hold them all to my chest. Tight.

I miss you. I listen to the rain to hear you. To feel you. To see you.

Listen to the rain. It sings. It whispers.

Listen to the rain. It heals. It covers.


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