Bus Ride

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Woah, I must have fallen asleep as I jump and awaken myself. I pick up my phone and see several missed messages and the music in my headphones have stopped. Wow its six in the morning already I must have needed some sleep and never thought I would be able to sleep so heavily on the bus. And by heavily, I mean heavily enough to not even notice that someone sat down next to me. I turned and look to see who it was. Knowing I wouldn't even know this person, but it was worth a shot to evaluate the situation.

I notice the person is wearing green converse, male. He was wearing dark colored jeans which I found a bit odd because it was spring time and a bit warm for pants as I look at my exposed legs remembering I was still in my short lavender and white dress with a gray tie around the center of it. It's from graduation the night before. I could kick myself in the ass right now for not putting on some shorts before I left home. I turned and looked at the guys' legs next to me and could tell by the fit of his jeans he had some muscles on his legs. I began to blush a little and I have no idea why. It's not like I am a stranger to guys or anything. I decided I would full out just turn and look at who was next to me, worried I may have to change seats.

When I turned, I was in total shock and surprised to find that I had a set of eyes and the most amazing, gorgeous smile staring at me. As I had been caught red handed doing something wrong, even though I hadn't. I was lost in his eyes. They were this a shade of blue that reminded me of the ocean, with a hint of green. What my friends would call bedroom eyes. Dark hair that is about 5 to 6 inches long, or so and was a little bit messy. He still had a smile on his face when I looked at this lips, and they were perfect. I could only think, what would it be like to kiss those lips? I could feel my heart beat faster and it felt like butterflies in my stomach. WHY, I have been around attractive guys before. I can feel my face heat up and I am sure they started to turn a different shade of pink or maybe even red, I'm not sure at this point. I bashfully smile and turn my head out the window.

River what is wrong with you. Why are you acting like a 12-year-old around this guy? I grab my backpack looking for something to drink because all of sudden my had dry mouth. Great I forgot to pack a couple water bottles. I find some gum and start chewing, still trying not to look at the guy next to me. But I find myself looking again.

This time he wasn't looking back as he was on his phone. I noticed he had a little bit of stubble growing back in on his face which made me think he shaved but not with in the last day or two. He had on a green American eagle shirt. It fit him so well, I could swear I could see the definition of his muscles not only in his arms but on his chest as well. I could almost feel myself drooling.

I looked back up to his face and seen he was looking at me again and of course my body doesn't do me any good it starts to heat up again.

"Hi," he says to me and all I can do blush more and be lost for words.

"Ummm, hi," I managed to say. Good going River why not make a bigger fool of yourself. How are you ever going to make it on your own if you can't even have a simple conversation with a guy. Mind you he is the most delicious looking man I have ever seen in my life. And just looking at him makes parts of my body tingle that I have never felt tingle before.

His smile grows even bigger than before and good Lord let me tell you my stomach flutters even more than it had earlier. Why was this guy making my body go all crazy like this? I have never in a zillion years would have felt like this.

Maybe the whole new life is the reason for this. Yes, that has to be it. It has to be the fact that I am trying to start a new life and I am all alone and this is totally a new experience so it has to be making me feel all weird in side.

"I'm Noah. And you are?"

River pull yourself together. Breath in breath out. Breath in breath out. Ok now talk to the hot demigod Noah. "River, I'm River. Nice to meet you Noah." And I managed to even smile at the end, and bat my long black eye lashes at him. There we go girl. See I knew you know how to flirt. It's not like you never had any boyfriends or anything. But this guy, he is hotter than any other guy I have ever seen. Noah the demigod. Noah. Yup that name had a nice ring to it.

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