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A few days have passed by since I got into a fight with the guys, found the tapes and learned that my life is even more confusing than I had thought. I been working out every day, actually a couple times a day. I want to be ready and I am not holding back. The guys say I could possibly be better than them because of my tumbling skills, and of course my jumps. They made fun of me because one of the Bring It On movies the girl says she is going to herkie the other girl in the throat. They said I could do that. Which actually made me laugh.

I was sitting in the hot tub when there was a knock at the door. I don't even bother to get out because anytime there is a knock, one of the guys gets it. I hear a new voice. A guys. I just stay put figuring it is a hotel working delivering something like food. I haven't been outside the hotel in several days.

"So you must be River." That strange voice said to me. I turn and look to see where it was coming from. I see Cain walking out to where we are.

"Um, and who are you?"

"Hi, I am Zeke."

Zeke, the guy to take me car shopping. The guy Noah was talking to when we were on the bus. The mysterious Zeke. I check him out. Nice body. Very toned. Nice looking. I would say another God. But I already have my hands full with these three I am not sure if I could handle a fourth. Though the thought crosses my mind and I do smirk about it.

"Nice to meet you Zeke. Want to join me for a soak. I am not ready to get out. Trying to relax my muscles before working out again."

He chuckles. "Sure, we are just going to talk about what you want in a car today anyway. Then I will set up for you to test drive. And buy. Then train you to drive."

Train me drive? What the hell is that supposed to mean. I already know how to drive. I been driving since I was 14. Not legally till I was 16 but I had to learn young so I could rush mom to the hospital or whatever else was needed.

I went to say something about that when I notice he strips down naked and climbs in. Um hello I am still sitting here. Oh my. Not that he needs to be ashamed of what he's got. But still. Does he not see me sitting here still?

I feel myself start to turn pink. Which makes him smile.

"I guess I should have warned you. I sit in here naked. I always do. And no offense it won't stop just because you are here."

"None taken. But I been driving since I was 14 I don't need training on how to drive." I am trying not to dwell on the fact that I have a naked hot guy sitting in the tub with me and how hot it is making me.

He is full out laughing at me now. I am not sure he should be laughing at me like that. This is making me really mad. I just stare at him. That is not a way to impress me.

"Why are you laughing?"

"OH, that just cracked me up. I don't mean you need drivers training. I mean you need to learn to drive. Do you know how to drive fast? Do you know how to outrun someone?"

"Well," I guess when he puts it that way, a little bit of training wouldn't hurt, right?

"Exactly. Now what sort of car or cars do you want?"

"Hmm," I been thinking about this and I am still unsure. "I want speed. I want safe. I want to be able to get through anything."

"Ok, how many cars are we talking about. Do you want any for play?"

"For play?"

"You know go out to the mountains and play? Oh, I forgot you're from Michigan. It's not like you play there."

Just A Girl Named RiverWhere stories live. Discover now